Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sally Bercow overrules her husband House of Commons Speaker John Berocw and goes on Big Brother, more damage to House of Commons

Dear All

Shame, shame and more shame!

This is what Commons Speaker John Bercow’s wife brings on the House of Commons.

Her latest escapade in bring the House of Commons into disrepute is appearing on Celebrity Big Brother.

The role of the Speaker of the House of Commons is a historic role as such everyone involved or connected to that office has a duty to set an example.

Sally Bercow antics have brought shame, shame and more shame, she might even top Michael Martin who was rightly forced out in going the worst damage in living memory.

Bercow has pleaded with his wife not to appear on Celebrity Big Brother, but she doesn’t care as like a runaway truck she is oblivious to the damage she does.

The Speaker told his wife that the show was "completely dreadful" but she ignored him and accepted a £100,000 deal.

Its all about the pounds and pence for her!

In order to not be asked embarrassing questions regarding his wife appearing on the Channel 5 series which starts tomorrow, Bercow will remain on holiday in India.

We all remember the damage to George Galloway and Tommy Sheridan careers that appearing on Big Brother caused, Sally Bercow will be placed in similar positions.

At present in the Commons, some Tories are conducting a ‘War on Bercow’, they now have more ammo.

And soon the videotapes for their campaign!

Sally Bercow is said to have been attracted by the opportunity to "stick two fingers up" to her critics.

Max Clifford, her spokesman said:

"Sally knows she is going to be criticised by the Establishment and that was one of the big attractions for her to do the show."


"She and her husband totally disagree about her participation and he asked her not to do it. He thinks the show is completely dreadful. They disagree on lots of things. She doesn't like the fact he is a Tory and he doesn't like her being a Socialist. But they love and respect each other as individuals."

In a tweet last night she wrote:

"Shutting down my Twitter for a bit. Nowt to do with David Cameron's *loopy* social media proposals, mind… Take care & have fun."
So, she goes into the goldfish were the producers have people jumping about like idiots solely for the viewing public and to get their rocks off!

The rest of the Big Brother gang are an odd collection of humanity, The Only Way Is Essex's Amy Childs, Kerry Katona and US actresses Pamela Bach and Tara Reid. The male contestants are thought to include Paddy Doherty of My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, singer Bobby Brown, Jedward and EastEnder Sid Owen.

Hardly worth sticking on the box to watch!

But Bercow’s enemies will, seeking evidence that John Bercow via his wife has brought shame on the House of Commons and on the Office of Speaker.

Her unusual public behaviour demeans her husband's post.

In February she posed for ES magazine draped in a sheet for a photo taken in the shadows of Parliament.

Tory MP Rob Wilson said:

"John Bercow said he wanted to restore respect and dignity to Parliament in his manifesto for Speaker. I am not sure how Sally Bercow going on one of the country's tackiest shows helps. Is it really appropriate for the Speaker's wife to use Parliament for her own financial gain? After all, the only reason for the invitation is because her husband is the Speaker."

It’s all about the £100k.

In an attempt to head off criticism, she will donate a large part of her fee to the Ambition for Autism charity, of which she is a patron.

But she brings shame, shame and more shame on the House of Commons.

Why doesn't she just take a large 'dump' in the central corridor of the House of Commons and be done with it!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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