Thursday, August 11, 2011

Red light district councillor Gordon Leslie resigns from advisory roles at Aberdeen Council, ‘meat the people’ pilot to reconnect with voters flops

Dear All

The Lib Dems have had a terrible time since the Westminster election as a party; people hate the way their leadership sold out the British people.

And boy did they pay for it at the Holyrood election; they were destroyed as a political force in Scotland.

So, they are desperate to reconnect with the people again, to find some common purpose.

Which bring us to a Lib Dem councillor called Gordon Leslie, he was pioneering a new political technique when he was caught loitering in a red light district.

He was reaching out to vice girls and funny enough they were reaching out to him!

And that is why Gordon Leslie was fined £200 after admitting to cruising streets where prostitutes ply their trade.

Since the revelations have come out he has quit several advisory roles connected to the council because they involve vulnerable people.

Also, the brisk 65-year-old was selected as the LibDem candidate for Aberdeen’s new Donside constituency shortly before the election.

If elected he would have been an MP.

However, he was forced to stand down hours after the announcement when it emerged that he had been charged with prostitution offences.

Five charges of soliciting prostitutes were reduced to a charge of loitering in the city’s red light district which he admitted.

Five in the one night, I am sure many people in Scotland will be feeling quite inadequate at this point.

Mr Leslie has decided to carry on as a councillor insisting it had no bearing on his ability to serve the people of the Bridge of Don and the city.

He said:

“The outside bodies I have resigned from will be discussed at full council. I have resigned because of the circumstances earlier this year.”

Mr Leslie said he believed he still had a future at Aberdeen City Council.

Given his zeal at ‘meating the people’ I am sure the Lib Dems will be keen put this all behind them and move on, after all, justice has been done, and it looks bad if they are seen to be punishing twice.

Replacements for his roles on the community health partnership, the alcohol and drugs partnership, the Aberdeen prison visiting committee and the disabled persons’ housing service will be discussed at the next full council meeting.

Mr Leslie also resigned a substitute role on the northern community justice authority.

I don’t think the Lib Dem leadership had this in mind when they want to reconnect with the people.

The ‘pilot’ has since been abandoned but on the bright side at least he is shagging sheep.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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