Thursday, August 4, 2011

Piers Morgan was a judge on Britain’s got Talent, with allegations of phone hacking at Mirror Group, can he spot legal eagle talent?

Dear All

There is a bit of a fight going on at present, in the red corner is Guido Fawkes aka Paul Staines and in the blue corner is Piers Morgan.

The fight so far is a war of words between the two men.

Guido is taking the moral high ground and Morgan is fighting a rear guard action.

The ammo being used the phone hacking scandal.

Toxic rounds that are like WMD!

Witness the carnage at the News of the World.

It had the shit blown out of it, if it was a submarine movie, someone would have said:

‘High speed screws torpedoes in the water’.

The News of the World was sunk without a trace as Rupert Murdoch scuttled the ship in order to protect the rest of the convoy (empire).

But across the road at Fleet Street sits the Sunday Mirror and allegations of phone hacking.

And the target for tonight, again using World War 2 jargon is Piers Morgan.

Morgan is under growing pressure today after the Labour Party said he had "questions to answer" over the phone-hacking scandal.

And of course Guido is kicking into him as well.

Deputy leader Harriet Harman said he should explain himself to police and MPs after Heather Mills claimed she was hacked by the Mirror Group when Mr Morgan was a senior executive.

Morgan has reinvented himself as a celebrity and presenter, appearing on Talent shows as a judge being a sensitive soul and jack the lad type.

A cheeky chappie!

The ex-wife of Beatle Sir Paul McCartney told BBC Newsnight that a senior journalist quoted her voicemail messages to her "verbatim" in 2001.

It could be that he was psychic but then it could be something completely different.

Harriet Harman told the Evening Standard:

"Mr Morgan has questions to answer, we need to get to the bottom of this. It's not good enough for him to say 'I always complied with the law and the PCC code of conduct'. He needs to answer these specific allegations. We have a judge-led public inquiry, a police investigation and a select committee inquiry. Now is not the time for people to hide, they should be coming forward with information."

A source close to Labour leader Ed Miliband said Ms Harman was speaking for the whole party.

He added:

"We have always thought this would spread to other newspapers. The police investigation should go where it needs to go."

Labour is using the phone hacking scandal as a way to try and reconnect with the public.

But less us be serious, if they were in government, they would be dragging their heels like David Cameron and the Tories.

He is a link to Guido’s site and a story:

As you can see Guido loves it, he simply loves it.

In an angry exchange between Guido and Morgan, he boasted to Morgan that he has taken down Cabinet Ministers and been up against really smart people, implying that Morgan wasn’t of the same calibre.

Piers Morgan has been on Britain’s got Talent, but he might have to find some real legal eagle talent if MP’s cometh to ask him questions.

And Guido will be try to snigger on the sidelines and poke him with a sharp stick.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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