Monday, August 8, 2011

Civitas Report calls for equality commission to be scrapped; there is no point in having an equality commission that doesn’t stand up for everyone

Dear All

Everyone has heard of human rights but did you know that there is an organisation called the Equality and Human Rights Commission?

The Commission is led by labour placeman Trevor Phillips and he earns £112,000 a year.

But the Commission has a problem, it doesn’t protect the human rights of the people to any great degree, it is there to show people that politicians ‘care’ and as such, this organisation is their front.

Now, a report has been produced by The Civitas think-tank over the embattled human rights quango, they want it scrapped.

And they are right when they claim that the Equality and Human Rights Commission contributes ‘very little to meaningful equality’.

If you don’t fall into a target group, they aren’t interested in helping you; your human rights don’t matter.

And we all pay as taxpayers tens of millions of pounds a year for this farce to continue.

Human rights are a good thing but the problem in Britain is that human rights don’t apply to everyone.

Justice in Britain is denied; you can be ‘equal’ if you’re rich or have the right political or social connections.

If you don’t have these ‘qualifications’ then no one will stand up for you.

The report by The Civitas Think Tank homes in and is scathing of the pay and expenses of the Commission’s most senior staff.

And they highlight the chairman Trevor Phillips who receives £112,000 a year for working three and a half days a week.

Yes, that is right, only three and a half days a week.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission isn’t for ordinary people as Civitas points out as it criticises the quango’s ‘illogical’ use of statistics and ‘narrow approach’ to social policy.

In the past, this affront to equal and human rights has made the press for a series of financial scandals and high-profile resignations.

Then a Government review found it had failed to do its job and had cost too much money.

A Civitas spokesman said:

‘Abolishing the EHRC would not just be a cost-saving exercise. It may well be an opportunity to channel resources into pertinent issues holding back equality and fairness.’

The problem with the Equality and Human Rights Commission is it is filled up with people with their own little agendas; this was a mistake right from the beginning.

People should have been selected who would fight for all sections of the community where injustice has occurred by sadly they went the route of focusing on certain sections of the community.

As such they made themselves less relevant to all.

Should the Equality and Human Rights Commission be closed?

As it stand absolutely yes!

But a new organisation is needed; one that fights for the human rights of everyone, sadly, another problem is that there is a lack of understanding of what human rights are.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission is a sham.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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