Thursday, August 4, 2011

Asian sex beast Sajjad Hussain jailed for 3 years and 3 months for sexual assaults on women and placed on sex register indefinitely

Dear All

An Asian who posed as a cabbie in Glasgow has been for three years and three months at the Sheriff Court in Glasgow.

Sajjad Hussain, a sexual predator subjected female passengers to sexual assaults after picking up his victims as they waited for taxis after nights out with friends.

Hussain was already on the sex offenders register for previous crimes.

When questioned at the Sheriff Court, he said that at the time of the incidents that he had been at his home with his brother on both occasions.

If this was confirmed by his brother during the court case, I would hope that Strathclyde Police would start an investigation and press charges against his brother for attempting to pervert the course of justice.

Hussain attacked two women, aged 23 and 39, who cannot be named for legal reasons.

He groped the women's breasts and stroked their legs and also tried to kiss one of them on the face.

The 39 year old victim told Police:

"I will never forget what happened in the car for the rest of my life."

Passing sentence Sheriff Sam Cathcart told Hussain that due to the "gravity of the crime" a custodial sentence was appropriate.

The youngest of the two women told the jury Hussain's car was a "private hire looking car" and was waiting outside the Casino on Glasgow's Sauchiehall Street around 6am in July 2010.

After reaching her destination only a short distance in away in Tradeston, Hussain launched an attack on his passenger.

She said:

"I had the money in my hand and the driver leaned over me and tried to kiss me on my face then put his hand down my top into the bra. When I pushed him off he said 'You know you want it' and I said 'No I don't', shoved him off me, chucked the money and ran out of the taxi."

The Judge has also placed Hussain on the sex offenders register indefinitely.

This shocking incident follows on from the recent revelations that an Asian Rape Gang operated in the City of Glasgow targeting white children for sex and prostitution.

Luckily the victims came forward and gave evidence which will be investigated by Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre.

Unfortunately, no politician of any of the political parties in Glasgow has spoken out against the Asian Rape Gang or the latest incident involving Sajjad Hussain.

They are all too busy ‘standing up for Glasgow’.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Why is this man's race relevant to the story?

  2. Dear Anon

    August 4, 2011 11:36 PM, do you have a problem in people being factual in reporting events?

    Maybe you can explain that.

    Being factual is something routine in the Press and Police.

    And bloggers.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
