Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Aamer Anwar accuses the Met Police of carrying out an 'execution' of Mark Duggan in London, it is time politicians made him persona non grata

Dear All

Did you happen to catch Newsnight Scotland last night?

If you did you would have seen Aamer Anwar.

He has claimed that the Met Police carried out an execution of Mark Duggan.

Duggan died in London after being shot by Police, this sparked widespread violence, looting and rioting in London which has spread to other cities in England.

At present there is an IPCC investigation into the shooting which is on going.

There is no evidence in the public domain that the Police Officer who shot and killed Mark Duggan executed him.

No evidence of premeditated murder at all.

And no evidence of racism is in the public domain either regarding the shooting.

Aamer Anwer has a history of playing the race card in Scotland.


The Sheriff said that trial that Aamer Anwar was "not credible".

And recently he and others sent up an Independent Advisory Group after accusations of harassment and racism were floated that security staff at Glasgow Airport were targeting Muslims.

Now, sitting in the Newsnight Scotland studio he says that the Met Police carried out an execution of Mark Duggan.

You can watch and listen to the entire interview by using the link

It seems that some people might think that Aamer Anwar will continue to play the race card until a narrative is created that all white people are racists in Scotland.

At this point it is importantly to mention that racism isn’t just a problem in the white community.

The first ever conviction for a racially motivated murder in Scotland was done by a person of Pakistani descent living in Glasgow.

Kriss Donald, a child was murdered by a Pakistani gang, stabbed him 13 times. He sustained internal injuries to three arteries, one of his lungs, his liver and a kidney. He was doused in petrol and set on fire as he bled to death.

A white child tortured to death simply because he was white.

And recently as reported in the press, the racist Asian Imran Shahid and other members of his Asian Pakistani gang had their appeal for freedom thrown out by three judges who refused to accept 'fabricated' evidence.

The judges have called for a police inquiry.

Aamer Anwar by saying on a public forum that Mark Duggan was executed is in my opinion giving people incitement to riot.

There is no evidence that Mark Duggan was executed, his death is however tragic.

If there is any wrong doing then let the IPCC do their job, they will be watched closely by all sections of the community.

Just as it is important to stand up to the rioters and looters who are destroying our community, it is also important to stand up to people like Aamer Anwar.

It is time politicians stopped associating themselves with him and made him persona non gratia.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. jail the birdbrain prick does he think everyboady is scared of him shurley there is some decent lawyers about that can take this prick to task and put him in his place once someboady got to shut the race card card playing scumbag
    george galloway
