Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Nearly half of English people oppose Scottish independence and want a vote on it, Scotland’s occupier doesn’t have the right to oppose Scottish people

Dear All

The goal of independence is possible but there are many hurdles to overcome before that dream is a reality.

Almost half of English people oppose Scottish independence.

They want to hang on to a political construct called ‘Britishness’ which has run its course.

Britishness reminds the English of the days of Empire when the British Empire span the globe.

The British Empire is dead, replaced by the Commonwealth.

Eire is a free country; it was another part of what is termed the United Kingdom before they became independent.

Anyone suggest that they were wrong to leave?

English people in a poll say they want a vote if Scotland chooses to leave, why?

This has nothing to do with them.

Scotland is an occupied country.

Occupied by the English who control a number of ‘Scottish’ institutions, but we have token Scots in place as well to give the appearance of fairness.

But we don’t have fairness.

We have an unequal society in Scotland, where there is a glass ceiling on the working class Scots rising up.

Another aspect of the recent poll was that the Chairman of the polling company suggested it showed there was no such thing as “Scottishness”.

Andrew Hawkins went further when he said the poll could add weight “to the argument “Scottishness” itself is specious, that Scots are simply those who live in the northern-most part of Great Britain.”

‘Scottishness’ isn’t simply location, its history stretching back thousands of years of our people.

Here is part of Anthony Hopkins closing speech before the US Supreme

“James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, John Adams: We've long resisted asking you for guidance. Perhaps we have feared in doing so we might acknowledge that our individuality which we so, so revere is not entirely our own. Perhaps we've feared an appeal to you might be taken for weakness. But, we've come to understand, finally, that this is not so. We understand now, we've been made to understand, and to embrace the understanding that who we are is who we were”.

Scotland doesn’t exist as a sovereign country although the English allow us certain things like keeping our judicial system.

And we get recognised by various bodies and by the Commonwealth for the purposes of taking part in sport, except the Olympics.

Stewart Hosie, the SNP’s Treasury spokesman, said the comments by Hawkins were “outrageous”.

He added:

“To suggest there is no such thing as Scottishness, and by definition no such thing as Scotland, is an extraordinary statement and one which seems based on nothing more than individual prejudice. It is also a suggestion which should anger all Scots whatever their political views. Scotland is unquestionably a nation, regardless of people’s views on the country’s constitutional future.”

Hawkins later issued a clarification saying he did not “support or oppose any specific position” but was simply voicing the opinions of “those who question the reality of a unique Scottishness”.

The ‘Scottish’ Labour Party predictably last night said the findings showed most people were proud to be part of the UK.

What have Scots to be proud of?

Scotland was used as the testing ground for Westminster policies such as the poll tax and every other dirty pilot the English wanted to try out.

The Scottish Government is playing down the significance of a call for an English vote because it is irrelevant.

A point I have constantly made about Scotland is that it is corrupt and it shows that those from higher social classes are more likely to oppose an independent Scotland.

Someone once said:

"it isn't important where you come from, what matters is where we are going together as a nation."

He was wrong, it is important where you come from, I am Scottish.

And I want to live in a free, fair and democratic country.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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