Friday, July 8, 2011

Ex-News of the World editor Andy Coulson arrested and held in custody over phone hacking and corruption allegations, Rebekah Brooks must resign!

Dear All

Rupert Murdoch has killed off the News of the World, 200 innocent people are to lose their jobs.

But the one person that the public want sacked is Rebekah Brooks.

The NOTW was sacrificed for commercial reasons to save the Murdoch Empire, save Rebekah Brooks and clear the way for the takeover of BSKYB.

The employees of the NOTW are justly angry, and they have demanded that Rebekah Brooks resigned last night.

She is one of British social and political elite.

So, the fight against the Murdoch Empire far from dying will grow.

Murdoch has to play the ‘blood price’, personally, or face the campaign switching to The Sun.

If Brooks stays and The Sun on Sunday rolls out, people will feel deceived, cheated and more anger.

Closing the NOTW was bold, decisive and radical, but it was also wrong, it misjudged the mood.

Former News of the World editor Andy Coulson has been arrested by police investigating phone hacking and corruption allegations.

Coulson was arrested at 1030 am by detectives investigating allegations of hacking the phones of various people in the news and is also being questioned about corruption allegations.

He was arrested by appointment at a south London police station and is in custody.

This is bad for the Tories and David Cameron personally.

He said of Coulson:

"I became friends with him and I think he did his job for me in a very effective way. He became a friend and he is a friend."

Cameron is trying to use his popularity and office to deflect criticism by saying Coulson is a friend.

It is a well known tactic that instead of distancing himself, he goes further into the controversy.

In this case; another error of judgement on his part like employing Coulson in the first place when specifically warned off by others.

Coulson is still being held, but Brooks also is in real trouble, and despite the Murdoch Empire trying to set the start point of the investigation at Coulson’s tenure this won’t wash.

Both the public and politicians are calling for her head.

She edited the tabloid when it is alleged that a private investigator working for the newspaper hacked the mobile phone of murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler.

Brooks has got to be publicly sacked.

Many blamed the newspaper supremo for helping to cause the demise of the News of the World with one MP even claimed that staff had paid for her “crisis” with their jobs.

Labour leader Ed Miliband is calling on her to step down and is putting pressure on David Cameron to back such a demand.

Last night the National Union of Journalists reported that sub-editors at The Sun newspaper have walked out in protest at how journalists at their sister newspaper were being treated.

Closing the NOTW was plainly wrong; you don’t punish the innocent and close a great campaigning newspaper with a 168 year history.

If the corruption allegations which Coulson is being questioned about stick, he is in real trouble.

Then there is his evidence at the Tommy Sheridan case which leaves him with more questions to answer.

If found guilty of committing perjury in the Sheridan trial; he will undoubtedly do a lengthy prison sentence in Scotland.

This story shows the nature of corrupt Britain, the political and social elite have been put in the spotlight and have become the story.

And that is a good thing because it shows how Britain operates and the social connections within that small group of people and how they back each other up.

We are only seeing the tip of the iceberg.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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