Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tory PM David Cameron urges public sector staff to call off strikes and accept less as he tries to keep debt bubble afloat to make bankers rich!

Dear All

David Cameron has pleaded with public sector workers unhappy about changes to their pensions not to go on strike on Thursday "for the good of the country".

In other words, he wants people to accept lower living standards in order to prop up the banking system and greedy rich bankers.

Our money taken in tax is being pumped into banks to allow countries to collapse under debt and then their national assets stolen.

We are seeing this in Greece.

And it is coming to the UK.

The prime minister said planned reforms were "essential" or the system was "in danger of going broke" in future.

The question is; why are we being held hostage by bankers and their fraudulent schemes.

Cameron says the changes were fair to both workers and the taxpayer.

That is a lie.

Up to 750,000 teachers and civil servants are set to strike saying that the government's plans will mean them working longer and paying more.

What is fair about that?

There was no breakthrough in talks between ministers and unions on Monday so we are looking at strikes, strikes and more strikes.

The government has insisted it has contingency plans in place to prevent any major disruption to essential services on Thursday.

This means the army being made available in certain circumstances!

Education Secretary Michael Gove has been criticised after suggesting that parents should go into schools to help keep them running; as ‘strike breakers’.

CRB cleared?

The planned 24-hour walkout involves members of the National Union of Teachers (NUT), the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL), the University and College Union and the Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union.

The Local Government Association is of course Conservative led but even they are openly hostile.

The big issue in this ongoing row is who to blame for cuts to services: Central government or some of the councils ministers say are still wasting too much money.

David Cameron's speech could mark what many in local government hope is an end to the war of words.
The PM doesn't want unnecessary battles either with unions or councils.

The action in England and Wales is expected to disrupt thousands of schools.
Speaking to the Local Government Association conference, Mr Cameron urged workers to reconsider their actions and not to believe what he said were "scare stories" about the government's proposals.

He said:

"To those considering strike action, when discussions are ongoing, I say to you these strikes are wrong, for you, for the people you serve and for the good of the country. It is the changes we propose that are right, right by the taxpayer but, above all, right by you."

He added:

"The changes we propose are a good deal. They are fair for the low-paid, fair for the taxpayer. They secure affordable pensions, not just now but for decades to come. And they mean that public sector pensions will remain among the very best available."

After two hours of talks on Monday, TUC leader Brendan Barber said there were still major divisions between unions and the government over three key proposals - to raise the pension age, to increase workers' contributions and to link pension values to the generally lower consumer prices index (CPI) rather than the retail prices index (RPI).

More talks are due to take place next month.

Public sector union Unison, which had threatened to ballot its 1.2 million workers for strike action if the latest talks proved unsatisfactory, said no ballot would be called at this stage.

Unison leader Dave Prentis said:

"I think we found today the government were willing to treat the negotiations seriously."

The Tory Government is going to do what the Greeks are being forced to do, sell off all our assets.

We are on a downward spiral to the bottom were people will be expected to work for nothing.

At the same time, the elite will get wealthier fuelling a more divided Britain.

The nation is being asset stripped to try and keep afloat an enormous debt bubble which is going to burst.

Our money, our assets and our future is all being stolen.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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