Monday, June 20, 2011

Residents concerned over lack of toilet facilities as 160,000 Take That fans descend on Hampden, ‘Battle of the Bog roll’ could turn very fluid.

Dear All

Residents in Glasgow are very worried.

Take that are playing Hampden Park which means a large crowd will descend, circa 160,000 fans.

When Take That last played at Hampden in 2009, there were widespread complaints over a lack of portaloos, with some women forced to urinate in people’s gardens.

After the Manchester leg of the tour, authorities saw rowdy behaviour and more than 100 women admitted to hospital after binge drinking sessions.

Mount Florida Lib Dem Councillor Paul Coleshill said he had received complaints about concert-goers in the past.

He said:

“Previously there has been alcohol-fuelled peeing on the ground in quite large numbers immediately outside people’s flats. Nobody should be subjected to people peeing in their gardens. I am worried because of what’s happened in the past and what happened in England last week adds to my worries. People who live around Hampden are used to having to put up with disruption but I don’t think the concert promoters are asked by the council to do enough for the residents.”

So, the ‘battle of Hampden’ is set for a re-match.

Jim Scott, a member of the Mount Florida Community Council, remembers the disruption caused the last time the band came to Glasgow.

He said:

“The last time Take That were here it was a Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Saturday was quite bad, women were all over the place and very drunk. There weren’t enough facilities and women were squatting down in back gardens – it was disgusting. My concern is the provision of portable toilets.”

I once saw a guy crap in the street in Govan, it was a shock to the system, he toddle pasted me and when he got to the end of the street; his joggies hit the deck.

Then it was bombs away!!!!!!!

He then got up and walked off cool as a cucumber.

A spokesman for Glasgow City Council said:

“While we are not responsible for the events themselves, we will always try to minimise any negative impact on the wider community.”

Glasgow City Council should consider the health and safety concerns of residents and others.

For example, if a guy was up a tree filming nature, he could fall out and damage his lens!

Finally, well done Mount Florida Lib Dem Councillor Paul Coleshill for facing ‘pish’ head on, best pack a sou’wester and a rubber boat.

160,000 peeing at once could sweep him down to the Clyde and then straight out to sea.

Hopefully a rescue helicopter will be on standby so no one gets swept away into the Atlantic.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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