Saturday, June 25, 2011

Labour Party launch attack on David Cameron for 'running scared of by-election battle', Labour desperate to appear meaningful as grip on power slides

Dear All

David Cameron has been accused of bottling the by-election battle in Inverclyde.

But the truth is what is in it for him?

Absolutely nothing, the Tory Candidate is David Wilson and he is going to get humped senseless.

Inverclyde has been held by the Labour Party, as a stronghold for as long as people can remember.

Even although Cameron is up in Scotland this weekend for a series of official engagements, Number 10 say his plans din’t include a trip to support his party's candidate.

Desperately the Labour Party claim this is a snub and shows the Tories have given up on Scottish votes.

I call it good time management.

Labour MSP Duncan ‘cretin’ McNeil said:

"This is a massive snub to the people of Inverclyde. Even Margaret Thatcher dared show her face in Greenock - but, of course, David Cameron is even less popular in Scotland. David Cameron has been to other by-elections but is apparently too busy this time. I guess he knows how furious people are with the Tories. Their cuts are so fast, they are risking the recovery and there's no plan B. That is why Labour is standing up against unfair cuts to families and pensioners."

As usual McNeil is parroting the official line of too deep and too fast thinking if that is said often enough it will have traction.

Labour’s Alastair Darling said he would cut faster and deeper than Thatcher.

Voters go to the polls on Thursday to choose a successor to Labour's David Cairns who died prematurely in London after becoming ill.

He was a popular MP, a high flyer.

His replacement is Iain McKenzie who is simply woeful and totally out of his depth, a poor speaker.

This by-election is a two-horse race between him as the leader of Inverclyde Council, and SNP hopeful Anne McLaughlin, a former Glasgow list MSP.

Cairns had a majority of more than 14,000 at the last Westminster election about a year ago but McNeil scraped home by just 511 votes in last month's Holyrood poll.

But voters view Westminster and Holyrood differently, voters are willing to switch to the SNP for a Holyrood election but in 2010, the 20 seat predicted breakthrough never happened.

However, the Holyrood wins across Scotland cannot be ignored.

The scale of the SNP task is huge, which could be characterised by saying ‘for f*ck sake’.

They need to swing a 19% lead in a diehard Labour stronghold but it has been done before in Glasgow East but unfortunately John Mason lost the seat at the Westminster election.

Labour is throwing in the big guns to hit the campaign trail including party leader Ed Miliband, brother David Miliband, Jim Murphy, Douglas Alexander and Harriet Harman.

Former first minister Jack McConnell lent his support yesterday, while Alex Salmond led the SNP effort as well as SNP MSPs told to attend in force.

Meanwhile a Labour spokesman has accused SNP candidate McLaughlin of making a "gaffe" during an appearance on the BBC's Daily Politics show.

The claim came after McLaughlin was asked by a reporter to identify a picture of Greenock-born steam engine inventor James Watt and she replied:

"Is it my grandad? It looks like him."

It seems that humour is something Labour lacks.

On Thursday, the Labour Party will see if their calling of a short and quick election will pay off.

The SNP really face a mountainous task, but mountains can be climbed.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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