Monday, June 6, 2011

Labour MSP Anne McTaggart in racism row as it emerges she was moved from her previous job and had to attend anti-racism course after complaints upheld

Dear All

Glasgow Labour Councillor of shame Anne McTaggart by a miracle found herself an MSP after the SNP won five first past the post seats in Glasgow.

As big hitters like Frank McAveety, Pauline McNeill and Charles Gordon crashed to the canvas after being floored by their rivals; McTaggart effectively got a free pass to Holyrood.

Just in the door at Holyrood, not even got her feet under the desk so to speak and she is now in a shit storm.

The reason for this unfortunate turn of events is that she was disciplined in a previous post after verbally abusing and intimidating a colleague from an ethnic minority.

That led to Anne McTaggart being moved to another job which is a tactic used to move problems by employers.

As well as being moved, she had to attend an anti-racism course after her employer upheld a raft of complaints against her.

At the time, Anne McTaggart’s employment was as a community support worker.

During this stint of helping the community, two colleagues made four separate complaints against her in 2006.

Three of the four complaints were upheld.

One complaint was regarding a threatening remark about a co-worker. Another complaint focused on accusations she intimidated another colleague.

The final investigation related to allegations McTaggart referred to the same employee, who is from an ethnic minority, in less than glowing terms.

Following a disciplinary hearing, McTaggart received a warning and was relocated to another part of the city to get her out of the way.

She was also suspended for a short period and attended equalities training.

A spokesman for Scottish Labour said the party would be asking “a number of questions” about the revelations.

McTaggart is an ally of Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell, the disgraced former city council leader who had to flee the city when allegations of drug abuse came to light.

At present as well as being a Glasgow list MSP is also a councillor for the Drumchapel and Anniesland ward.

Before being elected as a local representative in 2009, she was employed by Glasgow City Council.

Which is marred by allegations that the city is run for the benefit of the Glasgow Labour Party; their relatives, associates and Labour donors?

The anti racism course was also attended by a number of other colleagues.

A Labour insider said:

“We didn’t know anything about these complaints. Anne did not make us aware of them. She would have been asked if there were any issues like this, but she did not say anything.”

James Dornan, the SNP MSP for Glasgow Cathcart, said:

“If these allegations are correct, then it is a damning indictment on Labour in Glasgow. Serious questions have to be asked about when they first learned about these complaints regarding Anne McTaggart.”

A Scottish Labour Party spokesman said:

”We expect and demand the highest standards from our candidates so we will be asking a number of questions about this.”

A council spokesman said:

“We never comment on personal matters.”

So, Anne McTaggart gets her Holyrood career off to a bumpy start, again, from the bumpy start over trying to employ Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell.

Glasgow Labour Council as I have repeatedly said is a Labour Council of shame.

Roll on 2012 and putting them on the street!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. So things have caught up with Ms Mctaggart at last.
    I was involved as a witness to these accusations when they happened and gave evidence to the disciplinary hearing. I am now no longer employed by the council and can speak out to confirm that the details published by the Herald are true.
    Imagine my horror, as a life long labour party supporter/ voter that this racist woman is selected as a councillor and M.S.P.
    Please show some moral decency the Scottish labour party and deal with this person.
