Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ahdel Ali, member of Asian gang on trial at Stafford Crown Court is said to have raped girl aged 13, targeted because of ‘difficult family life’

Dear All

The trial of nine Asian men on 57 charges including rape, trafficking and inciting child prostitution continues in Stafford Crown Court.

It is alleged that a member of the gang who sold white girls for sex raped a vulnerable 13-year-old.

Ahdel Ali, 23, lived in "a traditional Pakistani household" and was due to have an arranged marriage.

It is said that that behind the veneer he systematically preyed on young white girls who were groomed for sex.

And then prostituted to dozens of Asian men, Stafford Crown Court was told.

Prosecutor Deborah Gould said Ali, who called himself Eddie, deliberately identified and targeted the 13-year-old because she had a difficult family life.

In order to do so, he befriended her then allegedly raped her in his car in Telford after giving her vodka and cannabis.

Ahdel Ali and eight other Asian men from Telford all deny charges including sex trafficking, under-age sex and rape.

The trial continues.

57 charges including rape, trafficking and inciting child prostitution, the sheer volume of charges is certainly an eye opener.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Sorry but scum like this have no part to play in the civilised way of our country and should have been flung in jail for longer....then deport them all
    Time and time again wee see gangs of cultured men imposing themselves on our young and vulnerable women & men and all our justice system does is give them a soft cushy prison life for a number of years. No wonder our justice system in the uk is a F*****g mockery, and recent events in Scotland aint thet better either

  2. scum to good a word for thess bastards get them out of this country the court system is being laugh at by bastards they dont even recognise our courts it as bing lawfull so deport them
