Thursday, May 19, 2011

University student Lee Dunlop arrested over Facebook pic, charged with a breach of the peace with a sectarian element”, fancy dress terrorist?

Dear All

Have a good look at this photo of a student nicked for donning a Postman Pat outfit and carrying a package addressed to Neil Lennon.

Clearly he was taking the piss wearing a fancy dress outfit for an end of term bash.

But the Police turned up and nicked him.

And he was thrown in a cell.

The Police have charged him with a sectarian breach of the peace.

Is the Crown Office really going to proceed with a prosecution?

Is there really anyone that stupid in their office?

Dunlop said:

"The whole thing is an absolute farce.

I got arrested outside the bookmakers where I work and was put in a cell overnight before being told I'd need to go to court. All my mates back home were in stitches about the photo, but the university are taking it that seriously I've been told I could get kicked off my course”.

He added:

"I missed my first year business exam because of the stress of everything - it's not fair."

And it gets worse the 22-year-old, of Annan, Dumfriesshire, could now be kicked off his business and computing course at Stirling University because of the row.

Again I say take a look at the photo, any human rights lawyer would have a field day in a court of law and no jury would convict him.

Postman Pat outfit!

Last night Conservative MSP Margaret Mitchell accused police of overreacting and called for a "common sense" approach instead.

She said:

"It's a total overreaction. The problem is not someone dressing up and trying to pick up on a topical issue.

"The problem is sorting it out in the football grounds and pubs or anywhere anyone is genuinely inciting racial hatred.

"I would certainly hope there would be a rethink. Everyone is entitled to make a mistake, and I would hope that common sense would prevail."

Presumably now the Police are anti fancy dress we can all expect mass round ups of students.

After all, if someone is wearing a pirate outfit, obviously they are saying they want to rape and pillage on the high seas.

Anyone dressed as a fireman must want to be an arsonist.

Anyone wearing an animal costume must be promoting animal sex.

And anyone dressed a schoolie must really be a mad paedo in disguise.

A spokeswoman for Central Scotland Police last confirmed Lee Dunlop will face court over the picture.

She said:

"A 22-year-old male has been charged with a breach of the peace with a sectarian element”.


"He will appear next month at Stirling Sheriff Court."

Has anyone arrested her for impersonating a Police Officer?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University



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  2. Dear Jonny

    I think in order to 'free' Lee Dunlop, he has to be first locked up.

    Also I would be surprised if this rubbish was sent to court for trial.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
