Monday, May 23, 2011

The SNP have set their sights winning Glasgow City Council from the Glasgow Labour Mafia, Glasgow is the key to independence

Dear All

For sometime I have been writing about the ‘Central Scotland Question’.

Former MP Tam Dayell had the ‘East Lothian Question’ and George Laird had the ‘Central Scotland Question’.

Eventually people come round to my way of thinking, to gain independence it must be done in a series of jumps that take the people with it.

Glasgow is another key part in the road to an independent Scotland.

It is the heart of the Labour empire in Scotland and once described as the ‘Kremlin on the Clyde’, the Labour Mafia’s impregnable bastion in the west of Scotland.

It must be stormed and assaulted.

People think that Holyrood is the key to independence, it isn’t, it is a lock but Glasgow is the key.

As I say I have been writing about this for some time, and above is a post I dug out to highlight this point, written on Wednesday, November 10, 2010.

The SNP’s spectacular success has opened up a rich seam of voters who recognised that the SNP in 2007 through till 2011 did a great job in government.

That can also be done in Glasgow.

Glasgow is the biggest council in Scotland and the SNP can win it, but they have to develop themes and let people know; what will the SNP Council be doing in their interests.

The Labour Party in Glasgow has a lame duck leader in Gordon Matheson; he struggles to keep his own councillors under control.

And for some Labour Councillors of shame, panic will set in soon as they realise that the SNP will be putting up two candidates in every ward. There will be a lot of Labour infighting among Labour Councillors soon as some will be voted out of office, discipline will go right out the window.

Life in the chambers is getting very interesting again as Labour Councillors are seeing new faces with SNP Councillors, is this the person who is going to take my seat must be running through their minds.

With James Dornan becoming an MSP, there is a vacancy for a new SNP leader at the City Chambers, so far there are three candidates are standing to replace him, Allison Hunter, Phil Greene and Kenny McLean.

I would think that Allison Hunter would be the winner; however I suspect she would stand down if the SNP won the Council.

At that point a new leader out of the new wider pool would be selected to guide Glasgow through the difficult times which are coming due to cuts.

And that person needs to be an ideas person who can bring in the public services reforms that are sorely needed in Glasgow across a whole range of portfolios, be a people person and articulate that Glasgow is open for business and for people.

I am full of ideas myself.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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