Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Really bad news for corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli, the Labour Party visit website for 21 hrs 53 mins 46 secs, time to sack Bully Ommer?

Dear All

I get a lot of visitors to my little site.

Here is one of them to give you a flavour.

Host name 145-76-20-82.static.virginmedia.com

IP Address

Your first thought is probably, who is this?

It’s the Labour Party in London.

Time spent, 21 hours 53 mins 46 secs.

It seems they are interested in Anne McTaggart, the Labour Councillor of shame who allegedly wants to introduce means testing for the elderly.

This claim was allegedly spouted at a union hustings by her.

One of the stories that the Labour Party was interested in, Anne McTaggart and Stephen Curran in Pollok Park late one night.

The Labour Councillors of Shame were caught by Police up lover’s lane when the Police stopped by to investigate why they were parked there at 10 pm when the park was closed.

Curran is separated and McTaggart is married.

It is said the first her husband knew about it was when it hit the newspapers.

The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University is always a good read; human rights abusing Glasgow University spend several hours a day on the site.

But they aren’t fans.

Just one of the 10,000 plus visitors a month, the Labour Party has been to the site before.

This blog is getting a bigger readership which is really bad news for corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli of human rights abusing Glasgow University.

Now senior politicians are reading this blog.

As I say really bad news since I kept all the University of Glasgow documents and will continue to publish the truth.

Read the extent and detail of human rights abusing by clicking on these links.




I invite anyone to read the details because it is backed to the hilt with evidence.

Finally, Scottish Parliament (, 6 hours 18 mins 23 secs


British Broadcasting Corporation (, they are still on!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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