Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Lib Dem Minister Chris Huhne's estranged wife 'is ready to swear on oath' that he asked her to take his speeding points, political career wrecked?

Dear All

The course of true love never runs smoothly.

And in the case of Cabinet Minister Chris Huhne and his ex wife Vicky Pryce, you could say it has entered the rapids.

Huhne’s career was hanging by a thread after his estranged wife Vicky Pryce agreed to testify that he asked her to take speeding points for him.

That is a no no!

If true, it is the end of his political career in frontline politics let alone in government.

A close friend said Huhne’s ex wife Vicky Pryce would swear in court that she was busy all day in central London when a driving offence was committed 40 miles away in Essex.

Essex Police has appointed a senior detective to look into the allegations that Mr Huhne broke the law.

If Miss Pryce co-operates and provides corroborating evidence, we could see a full criminal inquiry.

Huhne would be facing charges of attempting to pervert the course of justice.

A buddy of Miss Pryce told the press:

“She was working in London during the day and evening of the date the offence took place in Essex. And she’s quite prepared to stand up in court and say so if necessary.”

At present Prime Minister David Cameron says he has 100% confidence in Huhne which is generally accepted as code for he is cooked.

Cameron is refusing to use the B word, not bastard but believe concern Huhne.

And senior government figures distanced themselves from Mr Huhne.

Are there any lions in London to throw Huhne to?

David Cameron’s official spokesman initially said that the Prime Minister had ‘full confidence’ in Mr Huhne.

But when Mr Cameron answered questions after a major speech on health, he refused to go so far.

When asked if he had confidence, the Prime Minister simply said only: ‘Chris Huhne has denied that.’

Looks like back tracking to me.

A source close to the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said:

“Chris denies all the allegations and Nick has full confidence in him”.
So, there are questions to be asked and answers to be given.

On the day in question, March 12, 2003, Huhne was still an MEP. He could have taken one of two flights from Strasbourg in France to Stansted airport in Essex.

One landed at 9.58am and the other, which he is believed to have taken, at 10.23pm. It is not clear at what time his car was clocked exceeding a temporary 30mph limit on the M11.

Miss Pryce in contrast was finishing a meal at the London School of Economics, where she had been speaking on a panel.

This was confirmed yesterday by the LSE.

A spokesman said:

“Danny Quah, who is a professor of economics here, chaired the event and says he remembered that she was there. There was a dinner afterwards and Vicky Pryce is recorded as having attended”.

Looks like a witness for Miss Pryce.

Detective Superintendent Tim Wills, who is now examining the claims for Essex Police, said:

“We take any allegations of criminal offences extremely seriously”.

Police sources say that if Miss Pryce is willing to make a formal statement, then an investigation will ‘almost certainly’ be launched.

And when that investigation is launched expect a grassy knoll to appear from somewhere with Huhne sitting on it!

Also there maybe CCTV, police say:

“It is possible that footage of the speeding offence is still stored away”.


“If this can be retrieved, the image could be enhanced to help identify the driver.”

One Liberal Democrat source said:

“The rumours about Chris surfaced years ago, before the 2005 election. His behaviour was seen as outrageous at the time, even by some of his supporters but it was only confined to the top tier of the party so he emerged from it unscathed”.

Allies of Mr Huhne have been said to have launched a smear operation against Miss Pryce.

Maybe the Police should look into this as it could be tampering with a witness.

Might as well get everyone!

One thing is certain; the damage has been done, whether it is fatal remains to be seen.

No smoke with fire?

I think we have to wait on Miss Pryce making a formal statement to the Police and then see where that takes us.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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