Monday, May 30, 2011

The Labour Party may opt for a quick election in Inverclyde with Councillor leader Iain McKenzie, Innes Nelson should go head to head against him

Dear All

With the sad passing of Labour MP David Cairns, there will now be a by-election in Inverclyde to replace him.

And contenders are making themselves known or are emerging.

The Labour Party is to select its candidate as early as next week, prompting some to suggest that they make go for a quick election by the end of June.

Seems a reasonable idea enough idea.

Labour is defending a massive 14,416 majority over the SNP in this seat.

Labour insiders say June 30 has been earmarked for the poll, although no writ has yet been moved at Westminster to make it official.

Among Labour contenders are Councillor Iain McKenzie, the leader of Inverclyde Council since February, and Melanie Ward, a former president of NUS Scotland.

For the SNP, the main challenger, they have yet to select a candidate but some names have emerged.

They include Councillor Innes Nelson, head of the SNP group on Inverclyde Council, Anne McLaughlin, the former Glasgow list MSP; and Mags Park, a General Election candidate in Glasgow North West.

So, who to pick?

Looking at this, the obvious choice is Innes Nelson who is well capable of being an MP and has already a good track record as a Councillor.

He is the local candidate, has a history in the community and has fought the seat before, people already know the brand.

The equivalent Holyrood seat of Greenock and Inverclyde saw the cutting of Labour’s majority from 3024 to 511.

That means the by-election contest is a genuine two-horse race.

So, if I was on the selection panel, I would go for Innes Nelson, in my opinion he offers the best possible chance to take the seat from the Labour Party.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. What about all the Labour corruption that the SNP top-table know about? When does that go to court?
