Friday, May 20, 2011

Labour Party announces their new Scottish Shadow Cabinet team; Richard Baker sacked as Justice Spokesman, now tries finance, oh the shame!

Dear All

This is the ‘Scottish’ Labour Shadow Cabinet

Leader of Labour in the Scottish Parliament – IAIN GRAY MSP


Deputy Leader of Labour in the Scottish Parliament and Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Justice – JOHANN LAMONT MSP

Is that a joke? Lamont Justice Spokesperson!

Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Employment and Sustainable Growth – RICHARD BAKER MSP

Sacked from justice for being a halfwit!

Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Health, Wellbeing and Cities Strategy – JACKIE BAILLIE MSP

Back to tea and biscuits!

Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning – MALCOLM CHISHOLM MSP


Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure and Capital Investment – LEWIS MACDONALD MSP

Who is he?

Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Parliamentary Business – PAUL MARTIN MSP

Another joke but harmless, the dear boy!

Opposition Chief Whip – JOHN PARK MSP

The architect and loser who destroyed Labour and he gets a whip!

Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Local Government – MICHAEL MCMAHON MSP

The tv is on but the channels aren’t tuned in.

Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the Environment – SARAH BOYACK MSP

Hug a tree now!

Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Culture and External Affairs – KEN MACINTOSH MSP

Not a good position for a leadership challenge when Gray bolts.

If you have to single out anyone as a nugget it is a close run thing between John Park and Richard Baker.

Although Park is dense, Baker is a clear winner because at heart he is a total halfwit.

Sacked from Justice and replaced by Johann Lamont, oh the shame!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Jackie Ballie would appear to be challenging for the Labour leadership.... That's a joke... She can't even answer emails... I asked her to intervene with my house problems with Scottish Water, and argyll and Bute council.

    I've recieved a notice for demolision and she has failed to deal with the utilities... EHO in Argyll and Butt when asked to serve Public Health Notice on our National disgrace Scottish Water and he said "Where's Jackie Ballie she has powers to deal with that"... I said I dont know she's vanished.

    Is it just too corrupt what's happened at 2 Queen Street Helensburgh for her to do her job...

    She a puppet.... I want her investigated my house is to be demolished and she could have done something.

    Scottish Water and the Council trash my Property with sewage and street drainage... She knows it she turned a blind eye.

    Maybe I should have joined the fraternity ...

    I think she should be removed from public service... She does not serve the public.

    Can't get a newspaper to deal with this yet is there any that do news left... Help welcomed

    Regards all

  2. ffs... Jabba the Trout is ah trout. As for Baker-boy... fill in the blanks...
