Monday, May 16, 2011

Edinburgh tram project in price scrapping investigation, ‘Minister for Trams’ Iain Gray sees his ‘ticket to ride’ possibly scrapped, Frank’s bus then?

Dear All

In 2007, the Labour Party along with others pushed through a vote to keep the Edinburgh trams project despite the SNP Government seeing problems on the horizon.

Now, Councillors in Edinburgh have agreed to look into the price of scrapping the city's beleaguered trams project.

A special meeting at the City Chambers was called to brief councillors on the latest issues involving Tie and contractors Bilfinger Berger.

Most of the money for the project has been spent and people and business has seen a disruption to Edinburgh the like of which hasn’t been seen for some considerable time.

A contractual dispute has put the £545m scheme over budget and behind schedule.

Its Labour, it’s a mess!

Alex Salmond once mockingly said:

"Some people think my political opponent for First Minister has no track record whatsoever. Let's remember, this man had ministerial office in a Labour-Lib Dem coalition".


"As Minister for Transport between May 2002 and May 2003, he didn't decide to commission the Forth road bridge, but he did start the Edinburgh tram project by promising it £375 million. Iain Gray, the minister for trams."


In this case, it is another Labour train to hit the financial and political buffers.

Both the SNP and Labour put forward a motion to calculate the cost of cancellation before making a final decision on the future of the project.

And the Labour Party wanted to force through GARL, another white elephant.

Currently, the ‘Minister for Trams’ Iain Gray is sitting on a Holyrood majority of 151, unfortunately that is voters not seats.

Frank McAveety’s bus looks more viable every day!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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