Monday, May 2, 2011

‘East Coast Weasel’ Iain Gray takes another political beating on the BBC Leader’s Debate, Alex Salmond wins as Gray pushed to a miserable third place!

Dear All

Last night saw another leader’s debate shown on the BBC, Alex Salmond as usual did very well, second was Annabel Goldie, Third Iain Gray and trialling in last place Tavish Scott.

Another disaster for the Labour Party, as Gray’s fight back went to nothing.

So, in these closing days before the poll, the Labour Party has gone back to their play book and pulled out ‘fear’.

You would think these people would be smarter and more subtle in their approach but no, it is the blunt instrument, the cosh to the head.

Labour has ramped up the anti-independence rhetoric.

Iain Gray claimed Alex Salmond’s dream of an independent Scotland would cost every Scot £2600.

Think back 4 years and we had the Labour Party going with an SNP victory would cost everyone £5,000, it never happened.

With just four days to go before voters give their verdict, Gray insists the country would be left with a £13.75 billion black hole in its finances if it broke from the UK.

It seems the Labour Party is putting a price on Scottish freedom, but it is better to be poor and free than live under English rule.

The SNP say Labour’s figures were “complete garbage.”

Andy Kerr isn’t great with numbers unlike John Swinney.

Scotland invented the modern world but as a country we are portrayed as too small, too poor and too stupid by even some people born here as they pledge themselves to an empire that died last century.

We are one of the last Commonwealth countries not to be free.

The British Labour Party would rather see Scotland on its knees than prosper as a free nation.

To that end on Thursday, Labour claim some 10,000 activists who they dubbed Labour’s Volunteer Army, would be on the streets.

A senior party source said:

“We are chipper about the polls. It’s all to play for. Our strategy about emphasising the cost of independence is working.”

The SNP however insisted the polls were “excellent” in its bid to achieve a historic second term in power.

The Progressive Scottish Opinion poll put the Nationalists on 24% on the constituency vote and Labour on 19%, with the Conservatives on 5%, the Liberal Democrats on 3% and the Greens and Scottish Socialists both on 1%.

The poll forecasts the SNP would have 62 MSPs in Holyrood, Labour getting 51, Tories eight, LibDems four, Greens three and one independent, Margo MacDonald.

But this isn’t cast in stone by any means.

The sun maybe shining but politics and the public are fickle.

The SNP will continue making a strong case for re-election based on their record in power.

84 out of 94 pledges kept to the people in a minority government.

For Iain Gray, the window of opportunity is fast running out, Scotland has walked away from the Labour Party.

When they sit down to discuss what went wrong, the simple answer is all of it from start to finish.

And after the election, minds will focus in the Labour Party as to the election of a new labour leader; ‘East Coast Weasel’ Iain Gray isn’t up to the task.

And the Labour Party in Scotland isn’t credible anymore to the people.

Iain Gray has a final debate on STV, so far he has lost every single one to Alex Salmond.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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