Thursday, May 12, 2011

Celtic Manager Neil Lennon assaulted on the touchline at Tynecastle by a simple minded idiot, Celtic need to change his image or look for new manager

Dear All

Neil Lennon is in the press again, as someone launched an attempted pitch-side attack on Celtic football manager.

Police arrested an idiot at Tynecastle stadium in Edinburgh on Wednesday night after a fan clambered from the Hearts section of the main stand and charged towards the Celtic boss.

He was standing on the touchline.

The 26-year-old clown is due to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court in connection with the attempted attack.

This follows a series of incidents with the most recent being the parcel bomb plot to Lennon and two high-profile Celtic supporters, lawyer Paul McBride QC and former Labour MSP Trish Godman.

Two men, aged 41 and 43, have been detained under the Explosives Substances Act 1883 after officers raided a number of properties in Kilwinning, Ayrshire, early on Thursday morning.

Someone popping by the blog via google did a search, ‘why is neil lennon so unpopular’.

His reign at Celtic is a series of incidents involving violence and fighting with people.

I would say that he is no Martin O’Neil, Wim Jansen, Jock Stein, Tommy Burns, Kenny Dalglish, Billy McNeill or Liam Brady.

He should never have been appointed Manager of Celtic FC.

What example does he set for players and fans?

I would opine a bad example; you only have to look at his bust up with Ally McCoist to see how lacking he is.

If you didn’t know any better and you saw him in a track suit unshaven you could easily mistake him for a nutter.

If Celtic has PR people, they should realise that Lennon has created an image problem for himself and the club.

So, he has to be rebranded, track suit and unshaven, gone!

In comes shirt, tie and a suit, clean shaven and no shouting, if orders are to be given then done by assistant managers.

The start of winning hearts and minds!

The days of dressing like a bam on his way for a ‘cargo’ should be over.

He isn’t one of the ‘muckers’ but the manager of a football team.

As to the idiot who was arrested, I think we can rule out self defence but he should definitely be going to prison for a lengthy stretch.

Something along the lines of 36 months to send a clear message to everyone, start a fight at a match and the consequences will be draconian.

If Celtic doesn’t repair Lennon’s image, they should get another manager because this situation has to change.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I had to read this again to make sure it wasn't a wind up. You think a bit of PR work is the way to go here?

    Tracksuit and stubble = Bombs, Bullets, and assault

    A trip to Slater's and a Bic razor = Peace, Love, and Daisy-chains

    Is this the sort of depth your essays get handed in with?

  2. Dear Frank

    You might laugh, but image matters, how a message is presented matters, how you dress matters.

    People make their minds up about people in the first 30 secs of meeting them subconsciously.

    Maybe you can explain the 'success' of the current strategy?

    Anytime you feel free to give us 'depth' jump right in.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. @George,

    There's too much depth and complexity to this issue, that's part of the problem. It's difficult to get a handle on. Some people are not affected by these, others only a little affected, and a tiny few are extremely influenced, to the point where it's their main focus in life.

    -Religious sectarianism/tension
    -Old but ingrained prejudice and hatred towards Irish immigration, passed on from parent to child.
    -Football rivalry
    -Division over the Monarchy(which has somehow been meshed with the Pope)
    -Territorial disputes over Northern Ireland.
    -Religious nepotism

    I'm aware that first impressions last. Lennon changing his behaviour and dress code would probably lessen the hatred towards him. But why should he? It's like saying a woman shouldn't go out and get drunk in a low cut top, because it increases the chances of her getting raped. Feck that. Why should people have to change their behaviour to avoid attention from the dangerously dysfunctional in society? Surely they're the ones that need to be thinking about changing their way?

    What the hell has this blog got to do with Human Rights issues? All I can see is electoral campaigning, and attack strategy for the Scottish National Party.

  5. Dear Frank

    "What the hell has this blog got to do with Human Rights issues? All I can see is electoral campaigning, and attack strategy for the Scottish National Party".

    At certain times, I cover different stories to make the blog more topical.

    My first year blogging, 10,000 stopped by.

    End of second year, 60,000 stopped by.

    So far this year, 38,000 and climbing.

    Also there are stories on human rights like the Precious Mhango case and others.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
