Friday, May 27, 2011

Baby Peter sacking: Sharon Shoesmith wins appeal after Appeal Court rules ex- Labour Minister Ed Balls and Haringey Council’s decision unfair!

Dear All

The Baby P case in England was a tragic case which created a political firestorm, in order to try and shut it down ex-children's services director Sharon Shoesmith was sacked.

Now Shoesmith has won a Court of Appeal battle over the termination of her employment by then education secretary Ed Balls and her employers, Haringey Council.

The Appeal Court has ruled it was "procedurally unfair" when they sacked her three years ago.

Now, the education department and Haringey plan to appeal to the Supreme Court.

And that appeal will fail.

She has won.

Baby Peter Connelly, who had been seen 60 times by social services, was found dead in 2007 with over 50 injuries.

The people responsible Tracey Connelly, her boyfriend, Steven Barker, and Jason Owen (later revealed to be the brother of Barker) were all convicted of causing or allowing the death of a child.

Evil people indeed!

Shoesmith said she first heard of her dismissal when Ed Balls announced she would be removed from her post with immediate effect in a live press conference on television.

A version of guilty until you prove, you are innocent.

Labour MP Ed Balls said he "strongly disagreed" with the judgement and added that his decision had been based on a report from independent inspectors.

After the hearing, she said:

"I'm over the moon. Absolutely thrilled. I am very relieved to have won my appeal and for recognition I was treated unfairly and unlawfully."


She said the sorrow of Peter's death would "stay with me for the rest of my life".

"But as the judges have said, making a 'public sacrifice' of an individual will not prevent further tragedies."

The Appeal Court said:

"In short, she was denied the elementary fairness which the law requires."

The Court also rejected a submission that the situation had been too urgent to allow for a fairer procedure to be adopted.
In the case of Haringey, the judges said:

"We were unanimously of the view that Haringey's procedures were tainted by unfairness."

Lawyers for Ms Shoesmith said the ruling meant she could now launch appeals against Ed Balls and Haringey Council.

We should all remember Baby P because he was the real victim in this case, the State which was supposed to be there to protect him was found to be lacking because people didn’t do their jobs properly.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. Where else can you find the black & white squared floor?
