Friday, May 20, 2011

Alex Salmond completes SNP Government team with an enlarged Cabinet in order to reflect the future challenges of difficult financial circumstances

Dear All

Here is the full SNP Ministerial team who will take Scotland forward for the next five years.

It is an enlarged Cabinet to reflect the increased size of the SNP numbers in the Chamber at Holyrood.

Alex Salmond First Minister
Nicola Sturgeon Deputy First Minister
John Swinney – finance
Kenny MacAskill - justice
Mike Russell – education
Richard Lochhead – environment
Alex Neil - infrastructure and capital investment
Bruce Crawford - parliamentary business and government strategy
Fiona Hyslop - culture and external affairs

Also making an appearance and in some cases a return.

Michael Matheson - public health
Shona Robison - sport and Commonwealth Games
Aileen Campbell - local government and planning
Alasdair Allan - learning and skills with responsibility for Gaelic and Scots
Angela Constance - children and young people
Brian Adam - chief whip and parliamentary business.
Roseanna Cunningham - community safety and legal affairs, with specific responsibility for tackling sectarianism
Fergus Ewing - energy, enterprise and tourism
Stewart Stevenson - environment and climate change
Keith Brown - transport and housing

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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