Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wendy Alexander delivers personal snub to Labour in final kick in the teeth to ‘East Coast Weasel’ Iain Gray and Labour Party, no love lost in Paisley

Dear All

There is no love lost between Wendy Alexander and ‘East Coast Weasel’ Iain Gray.

In a final kick in the teeth, Wendy Alexander put on a diver’s boot to deliver a political boot in the nuts that people sitting in the back row of Hampden would have felt.

She has told voters to "stand up and be counted" but then didn’t endorse the Labour Party.

Alexander wrote:

"I hope you stand up and be counted. Offer your support to the candidates and the party you believe will best represent Paisley and speak out about the issues you care about."

This shows that even Alexander recognises that the ‘East Coast Weasel’ Iain Gray isn’t the man to be First Minister of Scotland.

It is a damning verdict and is a sign of a serious split with her successor.

The Scottish National Party said her column in the local paper was a fresh "disaster" for Labour.

It is another sign that no one wants Gray.

This is good news for Andy Kerr, the king in waiting as support for Gray continues to fall.

SNP Candidate for Holyrood Stewart Maxwell said:

"Wendy Alexander can't even bring herself to ask people in her own constituency to vote Labour”.

Unfunny how the truth finally comes out in the end!

Maxwell added:

"It's the final proof they are not fit to govern."

In an emergency patch up job, Alexander said it was "bizarre nonsense" to suggest she was not backing Labour.

She said:

"The column sets out that I respect the democratic right of people to vote how they wish."

Even on the way out the door Glasgow University product Wendy Alexander could not resist a final slap in Gray’s kisser.

Some say it was because Gray backed Andy Kerr for Finance Minister, when the rumour was she wanted.

Is this Wendy Alexander trying to get a legacy by calling on people to "stand up and be counted" because if she is, it can only mean that she is saying vote SNP!

From hard core to out the door!

Alexander could resist one final act of poison.

This is a major spilt and could signal the start of the end if Iain Gray.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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