Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The axeman cometh, Finance Secretary John Swinney vows to axe Glasgow Labour Council of shame ‘double’ salary system, Labour greed to be stopped!

Dear All

Finance Secretary John Swinney is a fair man; he will go the extra mile to help someone if their cause is just.

However, he has limits; Glasgow has a Labour Council of shame who need to be dealt with!

Labour Councillors run Glasgow as their own personal fiefdom; the Council and Aleos are stacked with employing their relatives, family and associates.

And the money is funnelled out of the City Chambers to Labour donors who get contracts.

And even more the Labour Councillors of shame have constructed a big trough which they pile into like a man crossing the desert without water.

They love it!

Now, John Swinney has confirmed he will use legislation to end the controversial system of payments to Glasgow councillors sitting on the boards of hived-off bodies.

The good times at Glasgow City Council are over for the Glasgow Labour Party.

Mr Swinney said secondary legislation would be used to bring the appointments and payments into line with the Local Governance (Scotland) Act.

He is doing this because the Labour administration has failed to act on recommendations to scrap the Aleo (arm’s-length external organisations) payments.

In some cases Councillors can effectively double their salary.

Everyone hates Labour including die hard trade union leaders who are prepare to field candidates in next year’s local government elections on a ticket opposing the “snouts in the troughs” culture within the city council.

It’s a deep trough in Glasgow; you could shout and hear an echo!

The GMB who represent the lowest paid workers have hatched a plan designed to embarrass Glasgow’s Labour administration.

GMB’s leading figure in Glasgow, Martin Doran, said joint unions will discuss fielding several high-profile candidates against prominent Labour city councillors who have benefited to the tune of thousands.

You could say this is ‘community payback’ for the authority when they started moves to reduce the terms and conditions of thousands of council workers in Glasgow.

Less holiday entitlement and pensions!

Council leader Gordon Matheson may find himself up against it from all sides, unions, SNP and even his own party members’ want a reckoning.

Yesterday, Mr Swinney said:

“An independent review has said this system of payments should end and as Glasgow Labour haven’t put a stop to it voluntarily a re-elected SNP government will take what action is necessary in Parliament to bring Glasgow into line and put a stop to this £260,000 of unnecessary payments.”

Some people are about to become very poor indeed.

In a frank exchange a Unison spokesman said:

“This is cash for clowns, paid fiefdoms for Matheson’s misfits. They’re more concerned about lining their own pockets than the livelihoods and welfare of their workers.”

Expect a lot of crying in the City Chambers as Labour Councillors get their buttered rolls all soggy in the dining room before dipping them in their soup.

The Party’s over, it’s time to call it a day!

And in 2012 there is the Council election and some will lose their seats!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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