Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tory MPs issue a damning critique of Nick Clegg in that he can “go f*** himself”, Tory MPs ambushed, stood up and gasping for a serious bevy speak out

Dear All

Getting to know you, getting to know all about you!

It’s a line from a song.

Nick Clegg is unpopular.

Classic Nicky No Mates!

In order to try and get ‘pals’ he has went on a planned charm offensive to build ties with new Tory MPs.

But it has backfired spectacularly.

The getting-to-know-you meeting was a "disaster from beginning to end", said one Conservative.

Clegg failed to turn up and guests had to dash off down Whitehall twice for Commons votes.

What a carry on!

Angry MPs then eventually abandoned the event at Mr Clegg's office overlooking Horse Guards Parade.

About a dozen Tories, all elected last year and working as ministerial aides; were asked to the drinks-and-nibbles reception on Tuesday evening.

Clegg is trying to build bridges and create a sense of camaraderie.

But he is nein Kameraden to Tories; he is their sell out junior partner.

So, they turn up to be boozed up top find a similar number of Lib-Dems had been invited too.

Ambushed at Horse Guards Parade!

Clegg was stuck in a Budget planning meeting, leaving Cabinet Office minister Mark Harper as host.

Harper was whipping boy.

15 minutes of sipping drinks and "looking at Mr Clegg's rather bizarre art choices", the MPs were told they were needed in the Commons for a vote on the Scotland Bill.

A Tory MP said:

"We all marched off for a vote that was won by 480 to nine there was no point us being there”.

So the group trots back to the ‘party’ and find no Clegg.

Half an hour later Harper announced another vote, no rest for the wicked!

Another Tory MP said:

"We set off down Whitehall but had to sprint this time. Some of my colleagues are not built for running”.

Then the pièce de résistance and very telling:

"After that we decided Clegg could go f*** himself and went for a drink."

Sources close to Mr Clegg said the meeting would be rescheduled.

“go f*** himself.”

Amazingly they have the same attitude I have to Anton Muscatelli and Glasgow University!

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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