Monday, March 21, 2011

Scotland’s Nelson Mandela, Tommy Sheridan in bid to block 'salacious' biography which alleges he referred to women as "bikes."

Dear All

Scotland’s Nelson Mandela, Tommy Sheridan is still locked up in HMP Barlinnie.

But despite not being able to take part in world affairs, Tommy Sheridan is waging a battle from behind bars to prevent publication of a new biography.

The biography is said to allege he referred to women as "bikes."

As a political leader is generally considered not nice to consider female voters in that light especially if you want them to vote for you!

Sheridan has also faced complaints over his treatment of female members of Militant Tendency.

So, Scotland’s Nelson Mandela has instructed his solicitor to threaten Professor Gregor Gall, and the academic's employer, the University of Hertfordshire, with legal action over the publication of Tommy Sheridan: From Hero To Zero?

Professor Gregor Gall is a former member of the Scottish Socialist Party.

Sheridan and the Scottish Socialist Party aren’t on good terms at the moment as a large number helped into Barlinnie.

Tommy Sheridan says the ‘From Hero To Zero?’ is a "hatchet job".

So, Sheridan’s trusty lawyer Englishman Aamer Anwar will take up his pen and write to the Dean of the University of Hertfordshire.

To ask questions regarding what financial support the institution gave the author and to dispute the academic nature of the book, which his client believes will be of a "salacious" nature.

The Dean of the University of Hertfordshire could simply write back and tell him to f*ck off!

Anwar said:

"We will use every legal avenue to stop it from being published."

Including UN resolution and no fly zone?

Anwar added:

"Is it an academic piece of work? Can the university claim that it is an academic piece of work? Why has the individual not been contacted and informed about what is being produced? They are walking on thin ice."

Actually Anwar is flying a kite here; Sheridan is guilty, found guilty by a jury of his peers, with several witnesses and videotape evidence.

In my opinion any case by Sheridan lodged by his 'trusty' sidekick Aamer Anwar would not be successful.

As to the questions asked, if I was the Dean, I won’t bother writing back and wasting a stamp.

Tommy Sheridan is in prison and he obviously wants to continue as a politician to strut the Scottish stage, fair enough.

But as a serious politician his career is stone cold dead in the water.

And not once has he tried to escape to chain himself to the gates of Buckingham Palace!

He’s got 3 hots and cot and plenty of time for reading and writing.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. who do you think yur kidding nelson mandela nelson fought for his people this guy looked out for himself and he degraded woman with his his nights in sex clubs not a nice person and a born liar and serial womaniser

  2. who do you think yur kidding nelson mandela nelson fought for his people this guy looked out for himself and he degraded woman with his his nights in sex clubs not a nice person and a born liar and serial womaniser

  3. who do you think yur kidding nelson mandela nelson fought for his people this guy looked out for himself and he degraded woman with his his nights in sex clubs not a nice person and a born liar and serial womaniser
