Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Margaret Jaconelli bids for move to Holyrood as MSP, the problem with a loose cannon is sometimes it goes off and blows yer brains out!

Dear All

In politics you get the serious politicians and the less so serious.

Enter a Grandmother!

Margaret Jaconelli, Holyrood MSP for Glasgow!

Mrs. Jaconelli is embroiled in a bitter eviction battle over plans to demolish her home to make way for the Commonwealth Games athletes’ village.

She wants to stand for the Scottish Parliament.

Good luck to her and I wish her all the best.

And if Glaswegians were to ‘go mental’, they might vote her in.

So, where to stand?

If you’re going out with a bang then you might as well stand in the highest profile seat in Glasgow.

Because you get even more publicity and if you can get the sympathy vote, who knows what could happen.

To stand she needs a £500 deposit and a few signatures and bob’s your uncle you are off to the races!

And good news for the Labour Council of shame, she is planning to designate her home as her campaign headquarters in the six-week run up to the election.

Legally she is entitled to a free and fair election which means Glasgow Labour Council might have to back off.

The would-be politician will probably stand on the issue of housing, which she has some knowledge of.

She said: “Before now, I had never dreamed of entering the world of politics. But then I realised I have been locked in a political battle with this council for the past eight years. They want to steal my home from me and my family but I have had neither the power not political platform to take them on. That changes now. Hopefully, with the support of the Glasgow people, I can highlight the disgraceful way our community has been treated in the name of these Games. It is not about me. I am aware of many examples where this council has bulldozed the rights of its citizens. People have been coming to me recently asking for help. I would ask the council to respect the fact that my home is now my campaign headquarters and remove the threat of eviction until after the vote.”

If Mrs Jaconelli stands in Glasgow Southside, she could upset the chances of the Labour Candidate Stephen Curran and the Labour Party who are desperate to win this seat at all costs.

They are throwing money, manpower and resources into this high profile campaign and Glaswegians are fickle about people getting abused.

And with dozens of supporters doing high visual profile work in the streets, it does focus minds especially if you target the right places to find your niche support.

In her case post offices, shops, primary schools, benefit office, housing offices, council benefit offices, leisure centres, supermarkets, bingo halls and boozers!

In some respects it would be incredibly funny if after the last electoral bullet is fired, Mrs Jaconelli is standing up at the mike as a Glasgow MSP with the two main parties looking at each other in total disbelief.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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