Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Human rights abusing Glasgow University advertise for Media Relations Manager after last one caught doing covert surveillance on protestor

Dear All

Recently I wrote a post on Raymond McHugh, employee of the human rights abusing Glasgow University.

He was involved in conducting covert surveillance against me using while on my website.

You can read my articles on his activities by clicking on the link.

I came across this today.

It seems that McHugh is being promoted.

If you are interested in working for a human rights abusing organisation which allows institutional bullying, malpractice, discrimination and criminal fraud by the senior management then file an application.

Its £45k in the sky rocket but the down side is that you have to work with people who are so false that they will probably turn over your guts, well the guts of a decent person!

Your first assignment will probably to spin away the violence and intimidation used on student protestors.

Can you run a smear campaign?

Can you lie?

Can you distort the truth?

If so, get the application in and try your luck.

Experience of managing stories on corrupt foreigners, bullies, liars, harassers, paedophiles, male prostitutes, sexual predators, violent thugs, human rights abusers and other types of deviants would be really useful.

And the ability to spell would simply be marvellous.


Corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli Principal.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Mr Laird

    We read with interest your latest blog post and cannot help but note the irony of the arguments set forth.

    On the one hand, you call for human rights at the University of Glasgow.

    On the other hand, your continual references to Professor Muscatelli as a 'corrupt foreigner' has such racial undertones that it is in contravention of a number of clauses of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

    Having slaved away for over an hour in the construction of this post (yes, you are under surveillance all the time - the Mitchell is not safe - you are right to be paranoid) we would have hoped for a better constructed argument.

    Yours sincerely

    We are Legion

  2. Dear An(t)on or one of your lackeys

    I detect you’re unhappy.

    The facts cannot be poorly constructed they are what they are!

    However, thank you taking the time to give me your ‘legal’ opinion.

    It is rejected as shit.

    Do any classes in law?

    Also before further addressing points, some of your grammar is poorly constructed.

    It really won’t do.

    “We read with interest your latest blog post and cannot help but note the irony of the arguments set forth”.

    ‘We’ are there more than one of you? Does this mean I have doubled my readership?

    “On the one hand, you call for human rights at the University of Glasgow”.

    Actually, there is more but I won’t lay it out here.

    “On the other hand, your continual references to Professor Muscatelli as a 'corrupt foreigner' has such racial undertones that it is in contravention of a number of clauses of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights”.

    If you feel that there is a case to answer (which there isn’t) I recommend Strathclyde Police, the forces of law and order in Scotland.

    There is no case to answer because I speak the truth.

    “Having slaved away for over an hour in the construction of this post.”

    No one would waste an hour on a loser like Anton Muscatelli, I can do this in 10 minutes!

    “(yes, you are under surveillance all the time … you are right to be paranoid) we would have hoped for a better constructed argument”.

    You seem like a sad pathetic revenge fantasist who stick for bullies, hardly credible are you?

    I googled this when I looked up the ‘we are legion’ crap;

    “We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.”

    Sounds like a serious threat; unfortunately, my response to threats is go fuck yourselves!

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
