Thursday, March 31, 2011

Glasgow Labour Council of shame forced to withdraw £42,000 magazine when caught red handed using taxpayers’ money for electioneering purposes, shame!

Dear All

Glasgow Labour Council of shame is in trouble, they have been forced to withdraw thousands of copies of a publicly-funded magazine.

The reason being that it contained a pre-election attack on the Scottish Government in order to try and influence the vote in Glasgow!

Glasgow Officials suspended delivery claims an article by council leader Gordon Matheson broke the law.

Gordon ‘free dinners’ Matheson is a silly boy producing a magazine, which costs around £42,000 per edition containing “party political propaganda”.

The Glasgow Magazine, which contains features about the council, comes out six times a year and is given free to 300,000 households across the city.

In one article Labour leader Matheson opined that this year Finance Minister offered councils a 2.6% funding cut but then threatened to withhold an extra £50 million unless we agreed to demands designed to win his party votes in May.

The article of shame has prompted a complaint from and legal letter claiming the article breached section two of the Local Government Act 1986.

This legislation sets out rules for local government publications, states:

“A local authority shall not publish any material which ... appears to be designed to affect public support for a political party.”

Glasgow is a key battle ground for Holyrood seats and in particular Glasgow Southside where Labour councillor of shame Stephen Curran is standing.

A Labour Council of shame spokesman said they are not accepting that they have done anything wrong but have asked Royal Mail to suspend delivery and agreed not to put the magazine online.

It seems that the Glasgow Labour Party intend to play dirty to hoodwink the voters.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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