Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ed Miliband admits ‘East Coast Weasel’ Labour MSP Iain Gray doesn’t cut the mustard, they bring in ‘Big Guns’ to support ‘Pop Gun’

Dear All

The ‘East Coast Weasel’ Labour MSP Iain Gray has a problem, people don’t recognise him.

After 12 years as an MSP.

And being in the papers!

And being on TV!

The ‘Gray man’ doesn’t figure on the Scottish public’s horizon.

Even time spent making himself look ridiculous by asking daft questions in Parliament still nothing.

He is like ‘Steve the Pirate’ out of Dodgeball the movie.

His own team mates don’t remember him.

Dead people have made more impression on the Scottish public than Iain Gray.

And sock puppets!

We all remember ‘Sooty’ and ‘Sweep’ but not Iain Gray it seems.

This is a failure of leadership, and Gray’s leadership is weak, that is why Labour politicians from down south are being brought up to Scotland.

Big Guns to support a Pop Gun!

Not even ‘political vigara’ can save him from flopping about all over the place trying to get the right target.

Mr. Floppy is just no good.

Men don’t like him.

Women don’t like him.

Children don’t like him.

And dogs would probably want to bite him.

Red Ed Miliband and his London Labour management recognise Iain Gray as a dud.

Ed Miliband has admitted his ‘colleague’, an MSP for 12 years still faced the challenge of “people getting to know him”.

Gray says he recognises the need to project his qualities to the electorate at the forthcoming election.

But he hasn’t qualities other than whine and whinge!

Miliband said:

“He is an extremely strong candidate and has the values, integrity, decency, honesty, all of the things people want in politics. Iain has them.”

And that’s why he uses victims of crime for political gain then?

That’s why he uses a phoney knife crime campaign to con voters?

That’s integrity, decency and honesty then?

Not only is Gray out of touch so is Miliband of what North British Labour has been up to in Scotland.

The Scottish leader debates will show up the ‘East Coast weasel’ Iain Gray for what is actually is:

No leader of men or a nation.

We have moved Scotland forward; do we really want someone like Iain Gray who will roll over for the Tories?

Labour did it before with the ‘feeble 50’, Labour MPs who refused to stand up to Thatcher.

And Scotland suffered.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. George

    Iain Gray will be the next first minister of Scotland Alex Salmond will step down as leader of the snp.

    These are indisputable facts it is Karma nothing will change it or prevent it.

  2. Did anyone ever tell you your comments on the Spectator Coffee House blog are exceptionally tedious and repetitive?

    Yours etc,

    Bored and unwilling reader.

  3. "Did anyone ever tell you your comments on the Spectator Coffee House blog are exceptionally tedious and repetitive?"

    I like George's blog myself.

    Willing reader fae Glasgow
