Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sir Tom Stoppard signs letter along with 170 academics from the ‘University of Guantánamo Bay’ to save uni courses, Muscatelli Must Go!

Dear All

Bad news for corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli of the human rights abusing organisation Glasgow University aka the University of ‘Guantánamo Bay’!

Oscar-winning playwright Sir Tom Stoppard has joined the fight against moves to cut a raft of courses at the Scottish University.

Sir Tom has signed a letter to the Scottish Government calling on them to intervene.

The human rights abusing university had drawn up a number of proposals for cuts, in order to protect the senior management trough including the axing of several modern languages, including Czech, German, Italian, Russian and Polish.

And of course Muscatelli couldn’t save the local university ‘tuck shop’ the Hetherington club, currently taken over by the student body.

Muscatelli has been a consultant to the World Bank and the European Commission, and was a member of the Panel of Economic Advisers of the Secretary of State for Scotland from 1998-2000.

But can’t manage the university properly!

He says it is running out of money.

Anton Muscatelli, ‘all hype and full of shite’!

As well as Tom Stoppard, the actor, comedian and television presenter Stephen Fry has also condemned the actions of the human rights abusing senior management.

On his Twitter account, he sent the message:

"Talking of language – Modern Languages in Glasgow under threat. Major centre for study …in jeopardy. Seems sad."

Other courses facing cuts include nursing, anthropology and social work.

But one cut I am in favour of is the Centre for Drugs Misuse Research headed by Neil McKeganey.

As well as cutting undergrad courses the university is also considering cutting back on evening and weekend classes.

I was a DACE student myself; the people teaching were great and catered for up to 5000 adult learners a year.

The letter to the Scottish Government is signed by 170 academics from the university and 150 from other institutions.

The corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli must go is the theme they should be developing!

The letter, states:

"We call on you as the minister responsible for higher education to do everything in your power to influence the management of the University of Glasgow and to ensure that the university continues to fulfil its historic role as an outward- looking institution rooted in the community that it serves rather than working primarily to maximise income in the international marketplace”.

Scottish students will suffer because the wrong choice was made selecting Muscatelli.

And how the University is paying for it now!

All non-academic departments such as estates, libraries, student support, human resources, finance and corporate communications will have to find cuts of between 11% and 15%.

It is nonsense to have a publicity department; they serve no real purpose and should be out on the street.

The Sport and Recreation Service run by the liar, bully and thief SRS Director Julie Ommer should be put on a commercial footing with students and staff paying full commercial rates.

Having spent 20 years at the human rights abusing Glasgow University, cronyism is rife.

Expect the trough to be fully protected.

Glasgow University is ranked 128th in the world, it has further to fall under the corrupt foreigner.

Muscatelli must go and click on this link to read why!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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