Monday, February 21, 2011

Secret plans to charge Scottish students £12k for degree, the poor will be frozen out of higher education at foreign controlled Scottish Universities

Dear All

It seems that Alastair Sim formerly of the human rights abusing University of ‘Guantánamo Bay’ (Glasgow University) and now currently director of Universities Scotland has made a major gaff.

Scottish Universities want to charge students fees of £12,000 for a four-year degree.

This will effectively price the poorest and most disadvantaged out of higher education.

A leaked circular from Universities Scotland has come into the public domain which shows that university principals want to charge a graduate contribution at approximately the same level charged in England, currently £3290 a year.

So, what is Universities Scotland?

Universities Scotland is nothing but a small clique which is a front company which serves no purpose.

This is what happens in higher education, little groups are formed at various levels of university management to give the appearance that ‘independent experts’ are commenting on higher education.

It is just the same university people wearing a different title and it is amazing the amount of people that fall for it.

The document signed by Alastair Sim has only been circulated to principals including the corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli, Principal of Glasgow University.

It seems that the University sector is wants to protect their rich lifestyles and are desperate for an urgent new funding stream to come online to protect their empires.

Universities have to be reformed and slimmed down.

Many departments need to be transferred to the College Sector and the Scottish Funding Council broken up into two distinct entities.

Scottish Funding Council (University) and Scottish Funding Council (Colleges)!

This way the College sector and reach its full potential which has been hindered by universities dominating the Scottish Funding Council’s board and committees.

Last week, human rights abusing Glasgow University started a ‘consultation’ on plans to scrap or merge a raft of courses.

No hope there for the staff who will be getting tossed on the scrap heap, their fate is sealed.

Across the university sector the same model of cuts will be taking place, and these people have one thing in common, they will all belong to external organisations like the Association of University Administrators and Association of Heads of University Administration Association etc etc.

And another thing they tend to have in common is that they all copy each other, there isn’t much in the way of original thinking doing the rounds.

Universities have been allowed to operate without proper controls; they have been negligent in their spending of taxpayers’ money for decades.

Having spent 20 years at the human rights abusing Glasgow University, it was corrupt to the core and rife with cronyism.

That is why the university system is collapsing; too many stupid people were giving their pals and family jobs.

The Scottish Government currently gives £1.07 billion to universities, and the money isn’t well spent for the return.

At present the Scottish Government says the case for a graduate contribution has not yet been made.

And given it will disadvantage the poor, it is unlikely that bunny will run this side of a Holyrood election.

I previously put forward other funding options in my blog, such as increasing overseas students and transferring departments to colleges in a restructuring process.

The new model of education should be University slimmed down, Colleges expanded and the use of schools as ‘community colleges’.

Community Colleges would function after the normal school day in part as teaching and leisure components. Community Centres would have their operations transferred to the new Community Colleges.

Schools lie empty and night and that is unproductive, the Community Colleges would fall within the remit of the new Scottish Funding Council (Colleges).

School education would be removed from Councils and transferred to Scottish Government control.

Alastair Sim, director of Universities Scotland, states in the leaked circular that bridging the gap from Scottish public funding “appears to be an almost unrealisable challenge”.

It isn’t, it is just that Alastair Sim is cannon fodder and not a leader of men.

It adds:

“The Scottish Government’s commitment to real-terms protection of health spending ... and projection of flat cash settlements for most other services, make it extremely difficult to see how public funding can sustain universities’ contribution without the leverage of significant additional resources from other sources. We believe it is fair in principle that individuals who realise substantial private benefit as a result of a university education should make a contribution, as well as this being pragmatically necessary as a result of reduced public funding. A reasonable assumption is that a Scottish graduate contribution could be set at a level which is much closer to, or lower than, the former English level of deferred contribution.”

Alastair Sim is a funny little man and should stay away from things that are well above his pay grade; leave the thinking to those who have real vision.

Universities Scotland is like Sportscotland, it is just a talking shop which is a waste of time, money and resources.

It should be abolished to save money.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University



  2. Dear Anon

    Thank you for the ammo.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
