Friday, February 11, 2011

Office manager Marion Kinley hails court’s verdict and criticises Labour MP Jim Devine’s lies and she wants her money owed paid too!

Dear All

The verdict is in, and it was as expected Jim Devine guilty as charged.

Time for the forces of light to speak out, the former office manager, on whom Jim Devine tried to pin the blame has fired a broadside by, branded the former MP a “habitual liar”.

Marion Kinley was treated quite shabbily by Devine but she has been awarded £35,000 in damages after winning an employment tribunal.

They found in her favour for breach of contract and unfair dismissal.

Devine by all accounts wasn’t a good employer.

In court, Devine tried to shift the blame by saying Ms Kinley had paid herself extra cash of £1000 over time and £4300 as a bonus.

Ms Kinley rubbished Devine by saying:

“These are the ramblings of a desperate man.”

After his conviction yesterday, Ms Kinley said:

“Justice has been done. The jury obviously saw through Mr Devine’s lies.”

And she still wants her money.

Her legal team are hot on the trail of that bunny.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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