Monday, February 28, 2011

Libya unrest: UK Foreign Minister William Hague says Gaddafi must go, it is time to 'get off the fence' and send in UN Peacekeepers

Dear All

William Hague, British Foreign Sec has called on Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi to go.

Astonishing that he has got off the fence, it must be safe.

Governments around the world have condemned attacks on Libyan civilians. So, it is now time to send in UN Peacekeepers.

But we are sitting on the fence on that issue at present.

Things are moving fast and so should the international community; the time to go is now!

Speaking at a UN human rights conference in Geneva, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said the violence should cease immediately.

If the Russians are onboard, what is the problem?

People are getting killed and others forced from their homes are stranded without food and water.

The humanitarian argument for going in is already been made in Libya.

Muammar Gaddafi still very much in control in Tripoli but the rest of the country is pretty much in the hands of the protestors and the international community has come down on their side.

The US has publicly backed anti-Gaddafi groups in eastern Libya as well. That is the UN entry point for humanitarian relief.

Speaking on her way to the meeting, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Washington was "reaching out to many different Libyans in the east".

At the Geneva meeting, UN Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay warned the Libyan authorities that widespread attacks on civilians could amount to crimes under international law.

Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd called for a no-fly zone to protect the Libyan people, and said Col Gaddafi should depart.

He said:

"The peoples of the entire world are saying 'go'. And for the sake of humanity, 'go now'."

At least 1,000 people are believed to have been killed during nearly two weeks of violence in which eastern cities have fallen to anti-government forces.

Gaddafi is threatening to open up the arms depots to civilians loyal to him, more people will die if action is forthcoming.

Since there is no rebel army to make the 1,600km (1,000-mile) journey across the desert to storm Col Gaddafi's last stronghold, Tripoli, the job falls to the international community.

Late on Saturday the UN Security Council unanimously backed an arms embargo and asset freeze on senior Libyan government officials.

It also voted to refer Col Gaddafi to the International Criminal Court for alleged crimes against humanity.

If the world is backing the protestors, the time act is now, the longer this goes on, the less stable the country will become, we cannot have another Iraq debacle.

By doing nothing on the ground, we only help Gaddafi and allow him to gain the upper hand, then were will the international community be?

Looking rather foolish and weak!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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