Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Labour Government ‘misled public on Megrahi release’ they barter ‘People for Oil’, Ed Miliband was minister in Government doing human trafficking

Dear All

A bit of bad news for Ed Milibland and the Labour Party!

Former Labour ministers were last night accused by the Conservatives of misleading the British public over the Lockerbie tragedy.

Caught out again, can’t the Labour Party do anything right?

They have now been asked to come “come clean” over their alleged and denied involvement in the release of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi.

Megrahi was the man convicted of the Pam Am bombing.

Unsurprisingly, wikileaks has the goods on Labour with the release of diplomatic cables.

They show a letter from Bill Rammell, the former Foreign Office minister, to his Libyan counterpart shortly after Megrahi was diagnosed with cancer in August 2008.

Outlined the “procedure for obtaining compassionate release”!

Having been bounced by the Scottish Government from using the Prisoner Transfer Agreement, the Labour Party used a new tact as they wanted trade deals with the Libyan.

Megrahi was subsequently released on compassionate grounds.

Andrew Bridgen, the Conservative MP for North West Leicestershire, said:

“There is now clear evidence the last Labour government misled the British public about their involvement in the release of al Megrahi.”

Neither the Foreign Office nor No 10 are commenting on leaked documents but Downing Street pointed out how Mr Rammell’s letter was made public in 2009.

And they aren’t stopping their backbenchers from doing so.

And unsurprisingly a spokesman for Mr Brown said he had no comment to make nor did Mr Straw.

Rammell is no longer an MP and is not talking either.

Something to hide!

A Labour spokesman said:

“The UK Government, both the last administration and since, has made clear this was a decision taken by the Scottish Government.”

This was made clear to keep in with the Americans.

Bad news for Red Ed Miliband that the Labour Government which he was a minister in was prepared to barter people for oil, for deals in the desert, for profit!

Kind of leaves a bad taste in the mouth doesn’t it.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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