Thursday, February 24, 2011

Human rights abusing Glasgow University in dramatic climb down as ‘illegal’ contract which bans Scottish Firms from Uni tendering exposed

Dear All

Human rights abusing Glasgow University has had a change of mind.

Scottish PR firms can now bid for a worldwide fundraising campaign to increase donations from former students.

This is a familiar tactic of Glasgow University when its corrupt practices are exposed, they backtrack.

A spokesman for Glasgow University said:

“After listening to the concerns from a number of sources within the public relations and marketing sector, we have chosen to halt the process and remove the threshold entirely. We will retain the exacting criteria to ensure we find the best possible candidates for this project.”

The light of public scrutiny does have that effect on them.

Corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli and Glasgow University senior management will be keen to kill this story that Scottish companies are not good enough because of the current make up of the Scottish Government.

Jack Irvine, founder of Media House said:

“They may have taken legal advice and discovered what they were doing is illegal. Under EC law any minimum turnover figure must be related to and proportionate to the contract.”

Glasgow University caught out again.

The fable of Glasgow University having the best minds can only be sustained by myth alone, ranked 128th in the world and still further to drop.

For more Glasgow University illegal activity, click on the link below!

At the time, this involved everyone of the Glasgow University senior management.

Including corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli who is now Principal of Glasgow University!

Poor Scottish students to be frozen out of higher education and now Scottish firms not good enough to quote for work; this is what happens when a Scottish University is allowed to be foreign control on Scottish soil.

Glasgow University is a human rights abusing organisation that is a fact.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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