Monday, February 21, 2011

Green MSP Patrick Harvie calls for 'rape remark' MSP Bill Aitken to go and submits Parliamentary motion, what kept you Harvie?

Dear All

Tory MSP Bill Aitken is facing demands to step down as convener of Holyrood's justice committee.

Truth be told; he should be stripped of that position following remarks he made about the recent gang rape of a woman in Glasgow.

The Green Party have made a parliamentary motion.

And there is a Facebook Campaign too, sign up folks.!/pages/Bill-Aitken-Must-Go-Campaign-for-a-New-Scottish-Justice-Convener/194959127189544

Green MSP Patrick Harvie said:

"Bill Aitken's comments are way beyond the standards any party in parliament should find acceptable from any MSP, but they make it entirely unacceptable for him to continue in post as convener of the justice committee."

Harvie is joining the campaign to remove Aitken a bit late in the day.

Although Aitken is a member of the ‘Glasgow unelectable’, List MSPs who get in the back door at Holyrood through the voting of Party members, he is also retiring from politics at the next election.

But there is a case of stripping him of the Convenor-ship of the Justice Committee.

Aitken is a ‘bam’.

His career will end in disgrace and rightly so, he hasn’t served Glasgow well.

Tomorrow at Holyrood, there will be a Protest Bill Aitken outside Parliament event from 08.30 till 11.00.

If you are in Edinburgh can spare the time, then why not pop along and join the group at the Parliament.

And we are all still waiting for weak Tory leader, Annabel Goldie to condemn him.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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