Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Glasgow’s Sarah Palin, Gail Sheridan treads the political boards with George Galloway for Holyrood, truce called but will it signal victory in May?

Dear All

It seems that Glasgow’s Sarah Palin, Gail Sheridan is grounded in political reality; she will share a platform next week with George Galloway.

In her first public engagement since her husband, Scotland’s Nelson Mandela was banged up and began his prison sentence for perjury; she will tread the political boards.

The meeting in Glasgow calls a truce between Solidarity and the Galloway campaign following bitterness over Mrs Sheridan’s decision to stand for Holyrood under her husband’s banner.

When that flared up George Galloway’s was very unhappy.

The historic meeting will be at Renfield St Stephen’s Church in Bath Street, is under the banner of the Defend Tommy Sheridan Campaign.

Leaving aside politics and going solely on personality, George Galloway could cause an upset on the Glasgow list.

Labour voters might vote for him and he will probably attach other sections of the political community.

I would like to see non entity Green MSP Patrick Harvie go and be replaced by George Galloway on the list.

Galloway has persona that Harvie completely lacks, we would be replacing ‘smart price’ Harvie with Coca Cola Galloway.

And the move also benefits Glasgow’s Sarah Palin, if would help her chances for standing in the Glasgow City Council Elections in 2012 as a candidate.

I continually ask people in Glasgow to name a Glasgow List MSP; so far, the survey has produced 0% recognition across the board.

List MSPs are the public unelectable that the public cannot do anything about and the list system can be rigged.

What does Galloway bring to the table despite being only a list MSP?

He brings passion, credibility, weight and gravitas that people like Patrick Harvie don’t.

Although Galloway attends the Defend Tommy Sheridan Campaign, he is there for the Solidarity votes and has made it clear this isn’t about defending Sheridan.

He said:

“Much as I love Tommy and feel sorry for what has happened to him, I think that would be a bad idea.”

Galloway needs Solidarity because of the manpower and organisation that they can bring, it isn’t a lot but it is there.

Jim Monaghan, secretary of the Defend Tommy Sheridan Campaign committee, said:

“Since his conviction and sentencing, there has been overwhelming and growing public support for Tommy and his family. We hope this rally will galvanise that support and take the campaign forward to ultimately see his conviction quashed and the real criminals exposed.”

Ken Ross, chair of the committee, said:

“We are expecting a very good turnout to the rally, not just because we have such eminent, prominent and high-profile speakers as George Galloway and Gail Sheridan, but also because it has been evident over the past few weeks that people from all walks of life, including those in the legal profession, are extremely concerned about how the legal authorities and the News of the World have conducted their business in relation to this case. It is vitally important these matters are brought to the fore.”

Gail Sheridan is using Galloway and Galloway is using Gail Sheridan, will it work and produce a List MSP?

I think it could, Labour know that they will not get list MSPs could try and influence the list by asking their supporters to vote tactically in certain parts of the city.

Galloway has all but said that although he isn’t taking the Labour whip, he is a Labour man through and through.

The novel of the Glasgow Holyrood Campaign 2011 has a decent sub plot for the people to look at.

Galloway needs about 15,000 votes to park himself in Holyrood and he might get it.

Holyrood needs colour and passion and less cannon fodder.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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