Thursday, February 17, 2011

2000 staff and students march at University of ‘Guantánamo Bay’ in Glasgow, corrupt senior management fear politicians looking at their trough

Dear All

One thing that staff and students should understand about the corrupt senior management of the University of ‘Guantánamo Bay’ Glasgow is that they don’t give a shit about other people’s opinions that are below them on the food chain.

They fear the Scottish Government because they control the money.

At the human rights abusing Glasgow University protests have broken out over a controversial ‘consultation’ on a raft of course cuts.

It’s a con that is the first thing the protestors should get through their heads.

Things are already decided and the ‘consultation’ is just an illusion to give hope where none exists.

Corrupt foreigner Anton Muscatelli wants the money, the big salary, the perks, the house and the chauffeur driven car.

That is as far as the Muscatelli vision goes.

The Glasgow University’s ruling court is a sham, toothless tigers.

So, 2000 students took to the streets to protest over the proposed cuts.

The University will have a fall back position, they will ‘give’ ground so that the terminally stupid will be able to claim a ‘victory for commonsense.’

In business it is ask for a higher price and get cut down to the price you can live with.

Students and staff from threatened departments marched along streets before holding a rally in the main quadrangle.

There was a heavy police presence both inside and outside the university to protect the senior management.

And a Strathclyde Police helicopter flew over head incase any staff and students had built attack helicopters.

The protest passed off peacefully.

Megan Young, 19, a second-year nursing student, said:

“We are all very upset because this is one of the very best courses of its kind in Scotland and cutting it makes absolutely no sense.”

Tom Hargreaves, a 23-year-old student in the final year of a history and German degree, also expressed concern:

“What is galling is the fact that everywhere you look in the business world and across the political spectrum you hear of the need for graduates with language skills, but Glasgow University is doing the opposite. It makes no sense.”

Stephen Ashe, 30, a Phd sociology student, attacked the threat to anthropology:

“It is absolutely vital the university continues to offer choice to students. They seem to want to shut down critical thought.”

Award-winning novelist AL Kennedy, who has been invited to stand for the post of university rector said:

“The university appears to be removing all links with the wider community and focusing on a very narrow business model that will not help students get jobs in the wider economy.”

Although the University did Adult evening and weekend classes, they don’t have any meaningful links to the wider community.

Glasgow University is the historically the University of Bearsden, discrimination is embedded.

I call Glasgow University, the new ‘Guantánamo Bay’ because of human rights abuses committed there by senior management staff.

This is what happens when politicians don’t add accountability when giving public money in higher education institutions like Glasgow University.

A festering pit of pigs was produced like:

Sir Muir Russell
Professor Anton Muscatelli
Professor Richard Coggins
Professor Andrea Nolan
Professor Peter Holmes
Professor Steve Beaumont
Julie Ommer
Dr. Jack Aitken, Head of the Senate Office
Professor Christopher Gilmore, former Head of Chemistry
David Fildes, former Head of the Data Protection Office

And pigs don’t do humanity.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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