Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tommy Sheridan, ‘The Birdman of Barlinnie’ enters prison as ‘guest’ of the Queen, he says he is innocent, Political Prisoner narrative starts already

Dear All

The narrative was already written before his head touch a pillow for his first night in the prison.

Tommy Sheridan, Political Prisoner!

The bad Murdoch Empire and the Scottish Socialist Party did for him out of jealously that he was helping the working class too much.

Tommy Sheridan will continue the socialist fight from his prison cell.

However the Governor of Barlinnie will not be allowing him out to do door to door canvassing.

The Queen has made room for him in one of her ‘guest’ houses, although it is doubtful she will call on him.

Free food, free board, free medical, free dental, free gym, free tv and he can get a cuppa while he pens a book about his experiences.

His wife, Gail, said that “it would not be long” before her husband, a former MSP, would be back and stronger than before.

The saga continues!

Sheridan was driven to HMP Barlinnie in Glasgow shortly after noon which a set of cuffs slapped on him, just in time for a spot of lunch.

His lawyer, Glasgow University product Aamer Anwar lodged an appeal against the conviction within minutes of the sentence being passed.

Save us the legal aid money please, it’s over, and you’re done and dusted.

In true champagne socialist outrage, Sheridan has vowed to take his action all the way to the European courts if necessary.

And no, he won’t be getting out for a trip to that Court.

The former Scottish Socialist Party convener is still claiming that he is innocent, considering he plans to appeal the verdict that is understandable.

Mind you getting someone to believe it is a whole different animal.

Sheridan said:

“The thing that upsets me most in some respects is that I am supposed to be punished, and quite rightly so. If you are found guilty of something you are punished, whether I maintain my innocence, as I do, or not ... the problem is the length of the sentence is going to punish Gail and Gabrielle more than me.”

If Tommy Sheridan decided to resume his career in politics he would be able to do so after serving his sentence.

He could possibly be standing for Glasgow City Council in 2012.

In a ward near you!

Maybe he will go back to his political base of Pollok and try to work his way up the political tree.

Sheridan said to the Judge before his transport to the clink was ready:

“On my release, I will return to fight for justice and equality, and for peace.”

Is he thinking of standing for Miss World?

If so, he missed out wanting to help little children.

Tommy Sheridan, Champagne Socialist, political career deader than the Dodo!

Finally, a new legend enters the Scottish Prison System, Tommy Sheridan; ‘The Birdman of Barlinnie’.

He is definitely away with the birdies if he thinks anyone is going to believe his shite!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. just for your info i used to stand outside the student union and talk to Tommy , about 16 years ago when I was a fucken student

    He's a good geezer, he used to mix with students...hard to say that about MSP's or MP's ....?
