Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lib Dems MSP Mike Pringle caught out buying election leaflets from England while claiming to support local business, hypocrite and blowhard

Dear All

One of the things that politicians are supposed is to support is local business as they are part of the glue of a community.

They provide jobs, amenities and social fabric.

So, what does it say that Edinburgh South Liberal Democrat Mike Pringle in one breath says he supports local business and behind everyone backs he buys services elsewhere? Namely the printing of election leaflets.

Total rank hypocrisy!

And we are not just talking about not buying in this local area where he is trying to get re-elected to Holyrood.

He isn’t even buying in Scotland; he is buying in Portsmouth, England.

And the glossy handout says that he is "standing up for local business".

Actions speak louder than words and action reveals the true nature of Mike Pringle, he will say anything to get elected to public office.

The front of the leaflet, delivered to thousands of homes in the constituency, asks a simple question:

"Who can we rely on to stand up for our area?"

Not Mike Pringle.

And it gets worse as inside he said his priorities included "standing up for local business".

But not at the expense of spending a few quid extra!There is plenty of design and print companies in Scotland and Edinburgh that are desperately trying to stay afloat in these tough economic times would be only too glad of this business.

After getting caught out, Mike Pringle, who is seeking re-election in the renamed Edinburgh Southern seat at the Scottish Parliament elections in May, defended his choice.He said:

"We get quotes from people in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Fife and the south of England and we go to the people who are the cheapest and best value. We have had quotes from people in Edinburgh, but they are substantially more expensive.”

Pringle added:"I don't know how they do it, but the firm in Portsmouth do it much cheaper. We are talking about hundreds of pounds."

No wonder the Lib Dem support has fallen through the deck, people like Pringle don’t get it at all; he isn’t a politician for the people but rather a politician who wants to manage the people.

Pringle also said had helped a lot of individual businesses with their own problems and had campaigned for transitional relief for many businesses, including hotels and guest houses.

But we should remember that he was paid to do that by the taxpayer, he makes out he is doing us a favour.

Hypocrite of the highest order!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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