Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Labour Party lies exposed, Average Scottish jail sentences 'longest in a decade', there is no ‘soft touch’ prison policies, just good hard judging

Dear All

Bad news for the ‘East Coast Weasel’ Labour MSP Iain Gray and his sidekick ‘idiot boy’ Richard Baker, average prison sentences in Scotland are now at their longest in a decade.

And it is official according to statistics.

One of the disreputable aspects of the Labour campaign to retake Holyrood is their stance on crime.

Part of that is their phoney knife crime campaign, ‘carry a knife go to jail’.

How do we know it is phoney?

Two reasons!

One, no Crime Bill proposing compulsory prison sentences for carrying a knife.

And secondly, despite adding an amendment to the last Crime Bill, it didn’t change the current legal position in the Scottish Government Bill.

On knife crime, the Labour Party was trying to introduce the concept of ‘guilty until proven innocent’ for party political benefit.

Such a proposal is in violation of the Human Rights Act 1998 as it clearly states the right to a fair trial is sacrosanct.

The Labour proposal was illegal but they still use it as an election gimmick in order to trick gullible voters.

The trick was successful used by Labour MP William Bain during the Glasgow North East By-election.

After the election William Bain has done nothing.

You can check for yourself on TheyWorkForYou.

William Bain played the people for Springburn for mugs on crime to get elected to public office.

With the average length of jail terms rising by 7% in a year, this kills the Labour Party narrative of the Scottish Government being a ‘soft touch.’

Crime is one of the key issues at election time and as such it gets a high profile but isn’t it time that the MSM turned their spotlight on the Labour Party and their claims?

It should be asking questions about phoney Labour Party campaigns which disappear as soon as the election is over.

The people of Scotland need to learn to look beyond the rhetoric of the Labour Party and see the work that is getting done for their benefit by the Scottish Government.

For example the new Scottish National Police Force which will be a major step forward in the fight against crime.

The introduction of the Community Payback Order on 1 February will see more people getting treatment for drug or alcohol addictions and serving a community sentence breaking the cycle of crime.

The statistics show Scotland is becoming safer, crime is down, fear of crime is down; the number of people carrying out crime is down.

But there is still much more to do in the background.

Do the people of Scotland want to lose all the good work already done by allowing Iain Gray and Richard Baker to destroy it?

Check the facts for yourself, and then make an informed judgement.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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