Monday, January 31, 2011

Beleaguered Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak must go, he has lost the battle for Egypt, best to resign and hold free elections to avoid bloodshed

Dear All

When you have lost the support of the people, you have lost the country.

Beleaguered Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak must go.

Egypt will only become stable again if he steps down and resigns.

At present he is trying to hold back the tide with by announcing a new cabinet.

This will not work; he is the locus of dissent of protesters, who have gathered in Cairo in their tens of thousands.

He has put Interior Minister Habib al-Adly, widely despised by protesters, and the finance minister to the sword by replacing them.

However, this isn’t enough demonstrators will only settle for Mubarak's removal from office.

There are calls for a general strike and plan a huge march on Tuesday.

Mubarak, has ordered new Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq to push through democratic reforms and create new jobs.

Window dressing, it’s a corrupt country and the problem is the people in charge.

Demonstrators remain on Tahrir Square, their numbers fluctuating over the course of the day and they aren’t going away.

If the Army steps back law and order will collapse and anarchy will rain.

One protester, Rifat Ressat, told Agence France-Presse news agency:

"We want a complete change of government, with a civilian authority."

This is a theme which has popped up before in the so called coloured revolutions of the past.

Another demonstrator told the BBC:

"This is not a new government. This is the same regime - this is the same bluff. [President Mubarak] has been bluffing us for 30 years."

The reaction of the West is interesting, they want Mubarak out; the line across the board is surprisingly the same tact.

Britain, the US and Europe have all adopted the same theme, that the "legitimate grievances" of Egyptians should be heeded.

Anyone see David Cameron heeding the "legitimate grievances" of British people over tuition fees or cuts to budgets?

Did Cameron and Clegg say they will stand down?


It seems when people protest in other countries they have “legitimate grievances” but when they do it in Britain they don’t.

The longer this situation goes on the more chances that bloodshed will happen as Mubarak tries to cling to power.

And with examples of corruption by politicians in Europe spreading, this could cross the Med and hit member States of the EU.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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