Friday, December 10, 2010

Peter Kearney’s legacy of dividing Scotland continues, guy wearing a nun’s habit at fancy dress party hauled over the coals because of one complaint

Dear All

A Church of Scotland minister has apologised after dressing up as a nun.

Why he was dressing up as a nun is his business but the season of goodwill is upon us and the party season is about to kick off.

After getting ‘dressed’ he thought it was a good idea to post the picture on his facebook page.

Reverend Gary Caldwell of Flowerhill Church in Airdrie has now removed the pictures of him posing while wearing a habit.

Someone made a complaint to the Presbytery of Hamilton, North Lanarkshire.

Caldwell ran foul of the PC Police!

To the people of Scotland outside the major urban islands, civilisation is available!

So a ‘major’ storm has erupted over a guy bobbing about in what is a dress.

This forced Caldwell to take down his picture after the Catholic Church in Scotland made an unprecedented statement about hostility towards Catholics a day earlier.

Peter Kearney, the director of the Scottish Catholic Media Office, said that hostility was “deep wide and vicious”.

Having said it Celtic Lion Peter Kearney is a bit slow at proving proof that backs up his deep wide and vicious statement.

Richard Dawkins describes Peter Kearney as a “nasty little weasel”; Dawkins is a university educated scientist so is exercising good taste and restraint here.

He says that Kearney ran a “vindictive campaign against Hugh Dallas”.

And I have to agree, Kearney exercised incredibly bad professional and personal judgment.

Parishioners’ online comments about the dress picture included:

“Am laughing and thinking that there must be some nun somewhere with a beard to rival yours!”

Another posted: “Like to see you wear it first Sunday back at Flowerhill!”

But an unofficial member of the PC Police said:

“Reverend Caldwell seems to think it amusing to dress up as a Catholic nun and to have this as his main public Facebook picture. I understand the Presbytery intend not to take any action against Reverend Caldwell, which I find astonishing as the picture is offensive to me as a Catholic. Reverend Caldwell has shown a complete lack of judgment in having this picture as his public Facebook profile and questions should be asked about his views on good ecumenical relations in Airdrie.”

So, we have a guy in a dress upsetting someone and Peter Kearney who destroyed a person’s career?

Who is the worst?

I am going with Kearney because Kearney’s actions were calculated, nasty and deliberate.

A Church of Scotland spokesman said no action would be taken against the minister:

“This light-hearted photograph was taken at a fancy dress party at which the minister was present”.

A fancy dress party!

The spokesman added:

“After receiving a complaint from one person the minister immediately withdrew the picture and apologised to the individual concerned. The matter is now being treated as closed.”

One person gets hysterical, so what was he doing looking at Peter Caldwell’s facebook page in the first place?

Looking for something to be offended about?

Next time the Reverend Gary Caldwell of Flowerhill Church in Airdrie should stick to wearing a flowery dress then he could pass himself off as a Glasgow University 5th year female medic but don't shave off the facial hair, the point is to try and look authentic.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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