Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ed ‘Iago’ Miliband practices a bit of Schadenfreude as he tries to woo disaffected Lib Dems members away from Quislings Nick Clegg and Vince Cable

Dear All

When the Lib Dems became ‘Quislings’ under the leadership Nick Clegg and ex Labour Councillor/turncoat Vince Cable they started down the long road to oblivion.

At present the Lib Dem vote sits at circa 9%, to say the vote has collapsed is an understatement.
But the Labour Party sees an opportunity to gain from the disaffected; their votes are up for grabs.

‘Red’ Ed Miliband sees a chance and wants to exploit what must be cavernous divisions within Liberal Democrat ranks.

He wants the disenchanted party members to work with Labour against the Coalition.

A modern day fifth column beavering away against the Lib Dem leadership!

The overture is simply that window dressing to gain headline, not a serious proposal that anyone would take up.

LibDem president Tim Farron branded the Labour leader “desperate” and said:

“Labour have spent 13 years sucking up to Rupert Murdoch and George Bush. Why would any sane progressive even give them a second glance?”

Because they aren’t Tories!

In his first monthly press Presidential style press conference as party leader, he wants “ashamed” Lib Dems to chuck in ideas for his ongoing policy review.

Given that Labour has driven the country into the deck financially, you can why Red Ed is searching for new talent.

To show that he is a man of the people, Miliband has roped in Richard Grayson, the former LibDem policy director to work with Liam Byrne, Shadow Cabinet Office Minister.

Miliband said:

“To those who are reluctant to abandon ship but are concerned about the direction of their party, I invite them to work with us on issues of common interest. To Liberal Democrats who fear their deal with the Tories is shifting the gravity of British politics to the right, I invite them to work with us against the direction in which this Government is taking Britain.”

If Labour was still in power, we would still be getting deep cuts worse than Thatcher but with Gordon Brown still at the helm.

And Brown had to go, he was a nutjob.

Miliband claims that thousands of LibDems had already joined his party but that the initiative was not simply about attracting defectors.

The initiative is about getting the Lib Dem general public vote.

In poo pooing Miliband’s rhetoric Mr Farron goes down the well trodden line that the Liberal Democrats were now engaged in sorting out “Labour’s economic mess”.


“Continuing that work is something far more attractive to Liberal Democrats than helping Ed Miliband’s increasingly desperate attempts to work out what he actually stands for.”

What does Ed Miliband stand for?

Getting back into power by any means necessary!

In a really bitchy response from the Tories, Baroness Warsi, the Tory chairman, said:

“All Ed Miliband had to offer was deficit denial and a blank sheet of paper on policy. No wonder his brother has made it clear he’s waiting in the wings to replace him.”

When the cuts bite deep I can’t see Warsi and the 15 Tory millionaires in the Cabinet having any popularity worth speaking of.

If the Lib Dems vote collapses in England, it will only benefit Labour as one of the mainstream parties and a smattering of smaller ones, possibly Greens.

Red Ed Miliband needs to build his ‘coalition’ against the coalition, pulling the rug out from the Lib Dems is a route to Downing Street.

They are the weakest link.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I despair.

    Ed Miliband is pathetic, and no one in their right mind would want to join Labour; Mrs Warsi is a boring loudmouth token woman in the cabinet and token minority ethnic all rolled into one. A gift to Camerclegg two tokens in one.

    But who’d be a lying Liberal? Who will believe a single word they say at the next elections. Even if they sign a pledge in blood it is bound to be a lie to get them a ministerial car.

    They are at the very bottom of the tank.

    At least Scotland has the option to break away from this chaotic bunch of no hopers.

  2. Dear Tris

    "Mrs Warsi is a boring loudmouth token woman in the cabinet and token minority ethnic all rolled into one. A gift to Camerclegg two tokens in one".

    Harsh stuff there!

    Mind you as a free speech supporter I support your right to say it.

    "Ed Miliband is pathetic".

    No Xmas card from you via Ed Miliband and don't even ask for a peerage.

    "and no one in their right mind would want to join Labour".

    Except Labour donors!!!!!

    You can't trust a Liberal how true.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
