Friday, November 26, 2010

IPSO MORI Poll puts Labour Party on track for majority at Holyrood 2011 election, what does it say that no policies and no vision go unquestioned?

Dear All

A recent poll has put Labour on track to become Holyrood's largest party.

If the voting intentions hold up that means the poor people of Scotland get the ‘East Coast Weasel’, Labour MSP Iain Gray as Scotland’s First Minister.

There is less than six months to go to the Scottish Parliament elections and if anyone else is wanting to be the Government of Scotland then they better have more than ‘aspiration’ and populist policies to offer the people.

The Labour Party in Scotland is minded to allow Council tax to go up making the case that this will protect jobs and services.

As I previously blogged Holyrood 2011 is all about explaining pain!

The Ipsos Mori poll for The Times which put Labour ahead bears out my thoughts of what the public want.

George Laird right again?

Well it wouldn’t be the first time but despite having an impressive record of 100% predicting who is going to win, I talk to some people who have an equally impressive track record of 100% failure and won’t do anything to change that.

My English friend explained the mentality to me as ‘follow the flag’; this means that they just want to walk about taking part with no agenda for winning.

41% of people are backing the Labour Party.

13% are backing the Tories.

11% are backing the Liberals Democrats

This is in first past the post votes.

In the regional vote;

Labour was backed by 36% of those certain to vote.

Tories are on 12%.

Liberal Democrats are sitting on 9%.

If those figures were replicated in the Holyrood elections, Labour would win 58 seats in the Scottish Parliament.

58 seats and remember Labour destroyed the UK economy.

This means they will have 12 more seats than they have at the moment.

Even the Greens who are irrelevant with two MSPs, could have three after the election.

Holyrood 2011 is all about explaining pain and bringing policies of substance to the table.

Iain Gray as First Minister is a joke but what does it say that he and his party are seen as so elected?

It says that others should review their current stances but then some people only want to ‘follow the flag’.

It isn’t just the Tories that need to adopt change.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. When all of the media are against the SNP the fight is uneven.

    Media Bias

  2. Dear cynicalhighlander

    The fight isn't over yet.

    And some people need to try harder.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. like stop the rigging...

  4. Some people need to try harder?

    I would imagine that quite a few people need to start trying harder, starting with the FM.

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