Saturday, November 13, 2010

Anti Tuition Fees Lib Dem MP Tim Farron secures victory as President of the Lib Dems, time for Clegg to face the music and dance as anger grows

Dear All

Time for a song!

Some of you may remember this, if you are a fan of Irving Berlin and Fred Astaire, true legends of the Hollywood era.

There may be trouble ahead,
But while there's music and moonlight,
And love and romance,
Let's face the music and dance.
Before the fiddlers have fled,
Before they ask us to pay the bill,
And while we still have that chance,
Let's face the music and dance.
Soon, we'll be without the moon,
Humming a different tune, and then,
There may be teardrops to shed,
So while there's music and moonlight,
And love and romance,
Let's face the music and dance.

And now onto trouble, for Nick Clegg!

Lib Dem MP Tim Farron who has vowed to vote against a rise in tuition fees has been elected as the President of the Liberal Democrat Party.

It is understandable why the Lib/Dem membership has done this; Clegg and co have betrayed them.

Tim Farron is MP for Westmorland and Lonsdale; he received 14,593 votes from party members with former MP Susan Kramer receiving 12,950 votes.
The shot across the SS Clegg by Farron was to describe tuition fees as "the poll tax of our generation".

And he is right, there is no need for this as cash liquidity is available if Government is willing to be radical.

Universities and colleges need reform.

Legalising drugs would also generate serious revenue for the Government as well.

Former holders of the position include Simon Hughes and Charles Kennedy who I suspect won’t do the route of Clegg.

Farron said:

"I was a student activist, I was a student president, I was a member of the NUS national executive 20 years ago and I went on plenty of marches and it was always the case that a handful of people would break off and do something daft - sometimes really quite dangerously daft. So it's right that students should protest. I don't want to be flippant about it, but it’s part of being a student really that you should get out on the streets and make your voice heard."

Giving the Lib Dem vote is dropping like a stone and the attitude of Clegg, there maybe a growing rebellion against the Clegg brand of leadership.

I can’t say Farron is ‘anti Clegg’ but he is certainly anti coalition policy of tuition fees and if something isn’t done then it is only a matter of time before trouble really breaks out and there are calls for a vote of confidence in Clegg’s leadership.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. The FibDemons are gone...

  2. Cleggy like any good old toff has his rear entrance open and ready for his exit from Politics into the world of high finance and low cunning.....

    the deal is done his future is secure
    no pieces of silver is still a lot of money even today

  3. Cleggy like any good old toff has his rear entrance open and ready for his exit from Politics into the world of high finance and low cunning.....

    the deal is done his future is secure
    no pieces of silver is still a lot of money even today

  4. Nick Clegg proved he is prepared to campaign against tuition fees to get votes but had no intention of honouring his promise as recent events show.

    Did the Lib Dem Activists know they were being deceived and treated with such contempt?

  5. Another muppet puppet message boy for the London Establishment.
