Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Top Danish Totty enters Tommy Sheridan trial claiming Sheridan had sex with her twice, public gallery might fill up with people in rubber macs!

Dear All

Everyone likes a bit of drama, which probably explains why people tune into Eastenders, Emmerdale and Coronation Street.

In a sea of trouble people even like to peek at others problems even if they are make believe.

As the ‘hit’ trial of Tommy Sheridan continues down at the High Court, sex has reared its ugly head.

It is alleged that Tommy Sheridan had sex with a married member of the Scottish Socialist party on at least two occasions.

Only two?

Katrine Trolle who is originally from Denmark is certainly worth firing into more than that!

She alleges she had "flirted" with Sheridan during the SSP's campaign for the Anniesland by-election.

So much for the work ethic!

She also said the former MSP had initially been "quite interested" in Danish "liberal values on pornography and sex".

As well as the rest of the male population of Glasgow!

The ‘Rumble in Cardonald’ was described by her in these terms:

"While we were leafleting we had been flirting quite a bit and he asked me if I would come and see him. Obviously, I agreed and he came to pick me up a little bit away from where I was staying. I was staying with my then mother-in-law and it would have looked suspicious. He picked me up and we went to his house. I think I had a glass of wine and without much further ado we went up to the bedroom and had sex."

One glass of wine and she drops her knickers, not even a cheeseburger to make up the pretence of a meal?

The next encounter she alleged was a much more a steamy affair, she said she got the bus from Aberdeen.

Sheridan met her at the bus station taking her his brother-in-law Andrew McFarlane's house in Cardonald.

She said:

"He hadn't actually said we were going to his brother-in-law's house. I was thinking I was going to see him. As we drove over to his brother-in-law's house, it slowly dawned on me that all three of us were going to have sexual intercourse”.

How could she arrive at this conclusion?

The trip to McFarlane’s house could have been a cover story for Sheridan to justify being in Glasgow under the guise of politics.

The best concealment is out in the open.

She added:

"We arrived and Andy opened a bottle of wine so he and I could have a glass of wine. Tommy went upstairs and not long after I went up there as well”.


She goes on:

"I was getting undressed, or Tommy was helping me to get undressed, when Andy appeared. We spent most of the night having sexual intercourse."

One wonders how much weight her testimony will carry with the jury, I can’t see someone like Sheridan sharing with anyone especially with his brother in law who might rat him out.

Is Andrew McFarlane going to take the stand and be quizzed on the alleged threesome?

He would be a good witness for Sheridan because if McFarlane says he wasn’t part of banging the arse off Katrine Trolle, it creates doubt in the mind of the jury and plays well into the theme which Sheridan could be trying to develop that he is the victim of a campaign.

And Sheridan needs to get some points up on the scoreboard; so far, he has been batting zero zero zero.

The trial, before Lord Bracadale continues and may attract people wearing rubber macs tugging away on the back benches!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. She's a cracker right enough !
    They will be charging tickets for this trial soon.
    And of course a film must be in the offing.
    Brian Cox for the brother in law and me as Tommy !
    Change some of the detail though. Brian can stay downstairs watching tv.

  2. Dear voyeur

    If you turn up at the trial it maybe an idea to wear a rubber mac and appropriate headgear.

    Christ knows what will be going on in the back of the court :)

    Regarding the film, they have to put in the line:

    'Ahh Danish' for one of the sex scenes.

    This in film terms is a hook to remind people of a certain age of their childhood.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. George.
    I will heed your advice. Have you been tempted to nip into the spectators gallery for a wee peek yourself ?

  4. Dear Voyeur

    I have been tempted but I don't have a rubber mac.

    And the fear of the unknown of what is going on behind you!

    Grunting and groaning.

    Also Sheridan is walking about with a real live prick uncovered.

    Aamer Anwar.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  5. Dear West-End Viking

    “She is nothing more than a fucking Danish SLUT”.

    I am sure that Katrine Trolle is a very nice person.

    Aren’t all people in politics?

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  6. Dae Danish sluts 'dae anything'?

    Av sum idea's...
